Lean version: leanprover/lean4:v4.13.0-rc3


Defined in: adaptationNoteCmd

Adaptation notes are comments that are used to indicate that a piece of code has been changed to accommodate a change in Lean core. They typically require further action/maintenance to be taken in the future.


Defined in: Aesop.Frontend.Parser.showRules


Defined in: Aesop.Frontend.Parser.showStats


Defined in: Mathlib.Linter.UnusedTactic.«command#allow_unused_tactic_»

#allow_unused_tactic takes an input a space-separated list of identifiers. These identifiers are then allowed by the unused tactic linter: even if these tactics do not modify goals, there will be no warning emitted. Note: for this to work, these identifiers should be the SyntaxNodeKind of each tactic.

For instance, you can allow the done and skip tactics using

#allow_unused_tactic Lean.Parser.Tactic.done Lean.Parser.Tactic.skip

Notice that you should use the SyntaxNodeKind of the tactic.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.check


Defined in: Mathlib.AssertNotExist.«command#check_assertions!»

#check_assertions retrieves all declarations and all imports that were declared not to exist so far (including in transitively imported files) and reports their current status:

  • ✓ means the declaration or import exists,
  • × means the declaration or import does not exist.

This means that the expectation is that all checks succeed by the time #check_assertions is used, typically once all of Mathlib has been built.

If all declarations and imports are available when #check_assertions is used, then the command logs an info. Otherwise, it emits a warning.

The variant #check_assertions! only prints declarations/imports that are not present in the environment. In particular, it is silent if everything is imported, making it useful for testing.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.check_failure


Defined in: Lean.Parser.checkSimp

#check_simp t ~> r checks simp reduces t to r.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.checkSimpFailure

#check_simp t !~> checks simp fails on reducing t.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.checkTactic

#check_tactic t ~> r by commands runs the tactic sequence commands on a goal with t and sees if the resulting expression has reduced it to r.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.checkTacticFailure

#check_tactic_failure t by tac runs the tactic tac on a goal with t and verifies it fails.


Defined in: Mathlib.Tactic.Conv.«command#conv_=>_»

The command #conv tac => e will run a conv tactic tac on e, and display the resulting expression (discarding the proof). For example, #conv rw [true_and_iff] => True ∧ False displays False. There are also shorthand commands for several common conv tactics:

  • #whnf e is short for #conv whnf => e
  • #simp e is short for #conv simp => e
  • #norm_num e is short for #conv norm_num => e
  • #push_neg e is short for #conv push_neg => e


Defined in: Lean.Parser.discrTreeKeyCmd

#discr_tree_key t prints the discrimination tree keys for a term t (or, if it is a single identifier, the type of that constant). It uses the default configuration for generating keys.

For example,

#discr_tree_key (∀ {a n : Nat}, bar a (OfNat.ofNat n))
-- bar _ (@OfNat.ofNat Nat _ _)

#discr_tree_simp_key Nat.add_assoc
-- @HAdd.hAdd Nat Nat Nat _ (@HAdd.hAdd Nat Nat Nat _ _ _) _

#discr_tree_simp_key is similar to #discr_tree_key, but treats the underlying type as one of a simp lemma, i.e. transforms it into an equality and produces the key of the left-hand side.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.discrTreeSimpKeyCmd

#discr_tree_key t prints the discrimination tree keys for a term t (or, if it is a single identifier, the type of that constant). It uses the default configuration for generating keys.

For example,

#discr_tree_key (∀ {a n : Nat}, bar a (OfNat.ofNat n))
-- bar _ (@OfNat.ofNat Nat _ _)

#discr_tree_simp_key Nat.add_assoc
-- @HAdd.hAdd Nat Nat Nat _ (@HAdd.hAdd Nat Nat Nat _ _ _) _

#discr_tree_simp_key is similar to #discr_tree_key, but treats the underlying type as one of a simp lemma, i.e. transforms it into an equality and produces the key of the left-hand side.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.eval


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.evalBang


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.exit


Defined in: Mathlib.Explode.«command#explode_»

#explode expr displays a proof term in a line-by-line format somewhat akin to a Fitch-style proof or the Metamath proof style.

For example, exploding the following theorem:

#explode iff_of_true


iff_of_true : ∀ {a b : Prop}, a → b → (a ↔ b)

0│         │ a         ├ Prop
1│         │ b         ├ Prop
2│         │ ha        ├ a
3│         │ hb        ├ b
4│         │ x✝        │ ┌ a
5│4,3      │ ∀I        │ a → b
6│         │ x✝        │ ┌ b
7│6,2      │ ∀I        │ b → a
8│5,7      │ Iff.intro │ a ↔ b
9│0,1,2,3,8│ ∀I        │ ∀ {a b : Prop}, a → b → (a ↔ b)


The #explode command takes the body of the theorem and decomposes it into its parts, displaying each expression constructor one at a time. The constructor is indicated in some way in column 3, and its dependencies are recorded in column 2.

These are the main constructor types:

  • Lambda expressions (Expr.lam). The expression fun (h : p) => s is displayed as

     0│    │ h   │ ┌ p
     1│**  │ **  │ │ q
     2│1,2 │ ∀I  │ ∀ (h : p), q

    with ** a wildcard, and there can be intervening steps between 0 and 1. Nested lambda expressions can be merged, and ∀I can depend on a whole list of arguments.

  • Applications (Expr.app). The expression f a b c is displayed as

    0│**      │ f  │ A → B → C → D
    1│**      │ a  │ A
    2│**      │ b  │ B
    3│**      │ c  │ C
    1│0,1,2,3 │ ∀E │ D

    There can be intervening steps between each of these. As a special case, if f is a constant it can be omitted and the display instead looks like

    0│**    │ a │ A
    1│**    │ b │ B
    2│**    │ c │ C
    3│1,2,3 │ f │ D
  • Let expressions (Expr.letE) do not display in any special way, but they do ensure that in let x := v; b that v is processed first and then b, rather than first doing zeta reduction. This keeps lambda merging and application merging from making proofs with let confusing to interpret.

  • Everything else (constants, fvars, etc.) display x : X as

    0│  │ x │ X

In more detail

The output of #explode is a Fitch-style proof in a four-column diagram modeled after Metamath proof displays like this. The headers of the columns are "Step", "Hyp", "Ref", "Type" (or "Expression" in the case of Metamath):

  • Step: An increasing sequence of numbers for each row in the proof, used in the Hyp fields.
  • Hyp: The direct children of the current step. These are step numbers for the subexpressions for this step's expression. For theorem applications, it's the theorem arguments, and for foralls it is all the bound variables and the conclusion.
  • Ref: The name of the theorem being applied. This is well-defined in Metamath, but in Lean there are some special steps that may have long names because the structure of proof terms doesn't exactly match this mold.
    • If the theorem is foo (x y : Z) : A x -> B y -> C x y:
      • the Ref field will contain foo,
      • x and y will be suppressed, because term construction is not interesting, and
      • the Hyp field will reference steps proving A x and B y. This corresponds to a proof term like @foo x y pA pB where pA and pB are subproofs.
      • In the Hyp column, suppressed terms are omitted, including terms that ought to be suppressed but are not (in particular lambda arguments). TODO: implement a configuration option to enable representing suppressed terms using an _ rather than a step number.
    • If the head of the proof term is a local constant or lambda, then in this case the Ref will say ∀E for forall-elimination. This happens when you have for example h : A -> B and ha : A and prove b by h ha; we reinterpret this as if it said ∀E h ha where ∀E is (n-ary) modus ponens.
    • If the proof term is a lambda, we will also use ∀I for forall-introduction, referencing the body of the lambda. The indentation level will increase, and a bracket will surround the proof of the body of the lambda, starting at a proof step labeled with the name of the lambda variable and its type, and ending with the ∀I step. Metamath doesn't have steps like this, but the style is based on Fitch proofs in first-order logic.
  • Type: This contains the type of the proof term, the theorem being proven at the current step.

Also, it is common for a Lean theorem to begin with a sequence of lambdas introducing local constants of the theorem. In order to minimize the indentation level, the ∀I steps at the end of the proof will be introduced in a group and the indentation will stay fixed. (The indentation brackets are only needed in order to delimit the scope of assumptions, and these assumptions have global scope anyway so detailed tracking is not necessary.)


Defined in: Mathlib.Tactic.Find.«command#find_»


Defined in: «command#find_home!_»

Find locations as high as possible in the import hierarchy where the named declaration could live. Using #find_home! will forcefully remove the current file. Note that this works best if used in a file with import Mathlib.

The current file could still be the only suggestion, even using #find_home! lemma. The reason is that #find_home! scans the import graph below the current file, selects all the files containing declarations appearing in lemma, excluding the current file itself and looks for all least upper bounds of such files.

For a simple example, if lemma is in a file importing only A.lean and B.lean and uses one lemma from each, then #find_home! lemma returns the current file.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.guardCmd

Command to check that an expression evaluates to true.

#guard e elaborates e ensuring its type is Bool then evaluates e and checks that the result is true. The term is elaborated without variables declared using variable, since these cannot be evaluated.

Since this makes use of coercions, so long as a proposition p is decidable, one can write #guard p rather than #guard decide p. A consequence to this is that if there is decidable equality one can write #guard a = b. Note that this is not exactly the same as checking if a and b evaluate to the same thing since it uses the DecidableEq instance to do the evaluation.

Note: this uses the untrusted evaluator, so #guard passing is not a proof that the expression equals true.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.guardExprCmd

Command to check equality of two expressions.

  • #guard_expr e = e' checks that e and e' are defeq at reducible transparency.
  • #guard_expr e =~ e' checks that e and e' are defeq at default transparency.
  • #guard_expr e =ₛ e' checks that e and e' are syntactically equal.
  • #guard_expr e =ₐ e' checks that e and e' are alpha-equivalent.

This is a command version of the guard_expr tactic.


Defined in: Lean.guardMsgsCmd

/-- ... -/ #guard_msgs in cmd captures the messages generated by the command cmd and checks that they match the contents of the docstring.

Basic example:

error: unknown identifier 'x'
#guard_msgs in
example : α := x

This checks that there is such an error and then consumes the message.

By default, the command captures all messages, but the filter condition can be adjusted. For example, we can select only warnings:

warning: declaration uses 'sorry'
#guard_msgs(warning) in
example : α := sorry

or only errors

#guard_msgs(error) in
example : α := sorry

In the previous example, since warnings are not captured there is a warning on sorry. We can drop the warning completely with

#guard_msgs(error, drop warning) in
example : α := sorry

In general, #guard_msgs accepts a comma-separated list of configuration clauses in parentheses:

#guard_msgs (configElt,*) in cmd

By default, the configuration list is (all, whitespace := normalized, ordering := exact).

Message filters (processed in left-to-right order):

  • info, warning, error: capture messages with the given severity level.
  • all: capture all messages (the default).
  • drop info, drop warning, drop error: drop messages with the given severity level.
  • drop all: drop every message.

Whitespace handling (after trimming leading and trailing whitespace):

  • whitespace := exact requires an exact whitespace match.
  • whitespace := normalized converts all newline characters to a space before matching (the default). This allows breaking long lines.
  • whitespace := lax collapses whitespace to a single space before matching.

Message ordering:

  • ordering := exact uses the exact ordering of the messages (the default).
  • ordering := sorted sorts the messages in lexicographic order. This helps with testing commands that are non-deterministic in their ordering.

For example, #guard_msgs (error, drop all) in cmd means to check warnings and drop everything else.


Defined in: Mathlib.Tactic.«command#help_Cats___»

The command #help cats shows all syntax categories that have been defined in the current environment. Each syntax has a format like:

category command [Lean.Parser.initFn✝]

The name of the syntax category in this case is command, and Lean.Parser.initFn✝ is the name of the declaration that introduced it. (It is often an anonymous declaration like this, but you can click to go to the definition.) It also shows the doc string if available.

The form #help cats id will show only syntax categories that begin with id.


Defined in: Mathlib.Tactic.«command#help_Tactic+____»

The command #help tactic shows all tactics that have been defined in the current environment. See #help cat for more information.


Defined in: Mathlib.Tactic.«command#help_Conv+____»

The command #help conv shows all tactics that have been defined in the current environment. See #help cat for more information.


Defined in: Mathlib.Tactic.«command#help_Option___»

The command #help option shows all options that have been defined in the current environment. Each option has a format like:

option pp.all : Bool := false
  (pretty printer) display coercions, implicit parameters, proof terms, fully qualified names,
  universe, and disable beta reduction and notations during pretty printing

This says that pp.all is an option which can be set to a Bool value, and the default value is false. If an option has been modified from the default using e.g. set_option pp.all true, it will appear as a (currently: true) note next to the option.

The form #help option id will show only options that begin with id.


Defined in: Mathlib.Tactic.«command#help_Term+____»

The command #help term shows all term syntaxes that have been defined in the current environment. See #help cat for more information.


Defined in: Mathlib.Tactic.«command#help_Cat+______»

The command #help cat C shows all syntaxes that have been defined in syntax category C in the current environment. Each syntax has a format like:

# first
Defined in: `Parser.tactic.first`

  `first | tac | ...` runs each `tac` until one succeeds, or else fails.
The quoted string is the leading token of the syntax, if applicable. It is followed by the full
name of the syntax (which you can also click to go to the definition), and the documentation.

* The form `#help cat C id` will show only attributes that begin with `id`.
* The form `#help cat+ C` will also show information about any `macro`s and `elab`s
  associated to the listed syntaxes.

# \#help
Defined in: `Mathlib.Tactic.«command#help_Command+____»`

The command `#help command` shows all commands that have been defined in the current environment.
See `#help cat` for more information.

# \#help
Defined in: `Mathlib.Tactic.«command#help_AttrAttribute___»`

The command `#help attribute` (or the short form `#help attr`) shows all attributes that have been
defined in the current environment.
Each attribute has a format like:
[inline]: mark definition to always be inlined

This says that inline is an attribute that can be placed on definitions like @[inline] def foo := 1. (Individual attributes may have restrictions on where they can be applied; see the attribute's documentation for details.) Both the attribute's descr field as well as the docstring will be displayed here.

The form #help attr id will show only attributes that begin with id.


Defined in: ProofWidgets.HtmlCommand.htmlCmd

Display a value of type Html in the infoview.

The input can be a pure value or a computation in any Lean metaprogramming monad (e.g. CommandElabM Html).


Defined in: Batteries.Tactic.Instances.instancesCmd

#instances term prints all the instances for the given class. For example, #instances Add _ gives all Add instances, and #instances Add Nat gives the Nat instance. The term can be any type that can appear in [...] binders.

Trailing underscores can be omitted, and #instances Add and #instances Add _ are equivalent; the command adds metavariables until the argument is no longer a function.

The #instances command is closely related to #synth, but #synth does the full instance synthesis algorithm and #instances does the first step of finding potential instances.


Defined in: Batteries.Tactic.Instances.«command#instances__:_»

#instances term prints all the instances for the given class. For example, #instances Add _ gives all Add instances, and #instances Add Nat gives the Nat instance. The term can be any type that can appear in [...] binders.

Trailing underscores can be omitted, and #instances Add and #instances Add _ are equivalent; the command adds metavariables until the argument is no longer a function.

The #instances command is closely related to #synth, but #synth does the full instance synthesis algorithm and #instances does the first step of finding potential instances.


Defined in: Mathlib.StacksTag.kerodonTags

The #kerodon_tags command retrieves all declarations that have the kerodon attribute.

For each found declaration, it prints a line

'declaration_name' corresponds to tag 'declaration_tag'.

The variant #kerodon_tags! also adds the theorem statement after each summary line.


Defined in: LeanSearchClient.leansearch_search_cmd

Search LeanSearch from within Lean. Queries should be a string that ends with a . or ?. This works as a command, as a term and as a tactic as in the following examples. In tactic mode, only valid tactics are displayed.

#leansearch "If a natural number n is less than m, then the successor of n is less than the successor of m."

example := #leansearch "If a natural number n is less than m, then the successor of n is less than the successor of m."

example : 3 ≤ 5 := by
  #leansearch "If a natural number n is less than m, then the successor of n is less than the successor of m."


Defined in: Batteries.Tactic.Lint.«command#lint+-*Only___»

The command #lint runs the linters on the current file (by default).

#lint only someLinter can be used to run only a single linter.


Defined in: Batteries.Tactic.Lint.«command#list_linters»

The command #list_linters prints a list of all available linters.


Defined in: «command#long_instances_»

Lists all instances with a long name beginning with inst, gathered according to the module they are defined in. This is useful for finding automatically named instances with absurd names.

Use as #long_names or #long_names 100 to specify the length.


Defined in: «command#long_names_»

Lists all declarations with a long name, gathered according to the module they are defined in. Use as #long_names or #long_names 100 to specify the length.


Defined in: LeanSearchClient.loogle_cmd

Search Loogle from within Lean. This can be used as a command, term or tactic as in the following examples. In the case of a tactic, only valid tactics are displayed.

#loogle List ?a → ?a

example := #loogle List ?a → ?a

example : 3 ≤ 5 := by
  #loogle Nat.succ_le_succ

Loogle Usage

Loogle finds definitions and lemmas in various ways:

By constant: 🔍 Real.sin finds all lemmas whose statement somehow mentions the sine function.

By lemma name substring: 🔍 "differ" finds all lemmas that have "differ" somewhere in their lemma name.

By subexpression: 🔍 _ * (_ ^ _) finds all lemmas whose statements somewhere include a product where the second argument is raised to some power.

The pattern can also be non-linear, as in 🔍 Real.sqrt ?a * Real.sqrt ?a

If the pattern has parameters, they are matched in any order. Both of these will find List.map: 🔍 (?a -> ?b) -> List ?a -> List ?b 🔍 List ?a -> (?a -> ?b) -> List ?b

By main conclusion: 🔍 |- tsum _ = _ * tsum _ finds all lemmas where the conclusion (the subexpression to the right of all → and ∀) has the given shape.

As before, if the pattern has parameters, they are matched against the hypotheses of the lemma in any order; for example, 🔍 |- _ < _ → tsum _ < tsum _ will find tsum_lt_tsum even though the hypothesis f i < g i is not the last.

If you pass more than one such search filter, separated by commas Loogle will return lemmas which match all of them. The search 🔍 Real.sin, "two", tsum, _ * _, _ ^ _, |- _ < _ → _ woould find all lemmas which mention the constants Real.sin and tsum, have "two" as a substring of the lemma name, include a product and a power somewhere in the type, and have a hypothesis of the form _ < _ (if there were any such lemmas). Metavariables (?a) are assigned independently in each filter.


Defined in: LeanSearchClient.just_loogle_cmd

Search Loogle from within Lean. This can be used as a command, term or tactic as in the following examples. In the case of a tactic, only valid tactics are displayed.

#loogle List ?a → ?a

example := #loogle List ?a → ?a

example : 3 ≤ 5 := by
  #loogle Nat.succ_le_succ

Loogle Usage

Loogle finds definitions and lemmas in various ways:

By constant: 🔍 Real.sin finds all lemmas whose statement somehow mentions the sine function.

By lemma name substring: 🔍 "differ" finds all lemmas that have "differ" somewhere in their lemma name.

By subexpression: 🔍 _ * (_ ^ _) finds all lemmas whose statements somewhere include a product where the second argument is raised to some power.

The pattern can also be non-linear, as in 🔍 Real.sqrt ?a * Real.sqrt ?a

If the pattern has parameters, they are matched in any order. Both of these will find List.map: 🔍 (?a -> ?b) -> List ?a -> List ?b 🔍 List ?a -> (?a -> ?b) -> List ?b

By main conclusion: 🔍 |- tsum _ = _ * tsum _ finds all lemmas where the conclusion (the subexpression to the right of all → and ∀) has the given shape.

As before, if the pattern has parameters, they are matched against the hypotheses of the lemma in any order; for example, 🔍 |- _ < _ → tsum _ < tsum _ will find tsum_lt_tsum even though the hypothesis f i < g i is not the last.

If you pass more than one such search filter, separated by commas Loogle will return lemmas which match all of them. The search 🔍 Real.sin, "two", tsum, _ * _, _ ^ _, |- _ < _ → _ woould find all lemmas which mention the constants Real.sin and tsum, have "two" as a substring of the lemma name, include a product and a power somewhere in the type, and have a hypothesis of the form _ < _ (if there were any such lemmas). Metavariables (?a) are assigned independently in each filter.


Defined in: «command#min_imports»

Try to compute a minimal set of imports for this file, by analyzing the declarations.

This must be run at the end of the file, and is not aware of syntax and tactics, so the results will likely need to be adjusted by hand.

#min_imports in

Defined in: Mathlib.Command.MinImports.minImpsStx

#min_imports in cmd scans the syntax cmd and the declaration obtained by elaborating cmd to find a collection of minimal imports that should be sufficient for cmd to work.

#min_imports in

Defined in: Mathlib.Command.MinImports.«command#min_imports_in_»

#min_imports in cmd scans the syntax cmd and the declaration obtained by elaborating cmd to find a collection of minimal imports that should be sufficient for cmd to work.


Defined in: «command#minimize_imports»


Defined in: LeanSearchClient.moogle_search_cmd

Search Moogle from within Lean. Queries should be a string that ends with a . or ?. This works as a command, as a term and as a tactic as in the following examples. In tactic mode, only valid tactics are displayed.

#moogle "If a natural number n is less than m, then the successor of n is less than the successor of m."

example := #moogle "If a natural number n is less than m, then the successor of n is less than the successor of m."

example : 3 ≤ 5 := by
  #moogle "If a natural number n is less than m, then the successor of n is less than the successor of m."


Defined in: Mathlib.Tactic.normNumCmd

The basic usage is #norm_num e, where e is an expression, which will print the norm_num form of e.

Syntax: #norm_num (only)? ([ simp lemma list ])? :? expression

This accepts the same options as the #simp command. You can specify additional simp lemmas as usual, for example using #norm_num [f, g] : e. (The colon is optional but helpful for the parser.) The only restricts norm_num to using only the provided lemmas, and so #norm_num only : e behaves similarly to norm_num1.

Unlike norm_num, this command does not fail when no simplifications are made.

#norm_num understands local variables, so you can use them to introduce parameters.


Defined in: Batteries.Tactic.printPrefix

The command #print prefix foo will print all definitions that start with the namespace foo.

For example, the command below will print out definitions in the List namespace:

#print prefix List

#print prefix can be controlled by flags in PrintPrefixConfig. These provide options for filtering names and formatting. For example, #print prefix by default excludes internal names, but this can be controlled via config:

#print prefix (config := {internals := true}) List

By default, #print prefix prints the type after each name. This can be controlled by setting showTypes to false:

#print prefix (config := {showTypes := false}) List

The complete set of flags can be seen in the documentation for Lean.Elab.Command.PrintPrefixConfig.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.printAxioms


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.printTacTags

Displays all available tactic tags, with documentation.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.printEqns


Defined in: Batteries.Tactic.«command#printDependents___»

The command #print dependents X Y prints a list of all the declarations in the file that transitively depend on X or Y. After each declaration, it shows the list of all declarations referred to directly in the body which also depend on X or Y.

For example, #print axioms bar' below shows that bar' depends on Classical.choice, but not why. #print dependents Classical.choice says that bar' depends on Classical.choice because it uses foo and foo uses Classical.em. bar is not listed because it is proved without using Classical.choice.

import Batteries.Tactic.PrintDependents

theorem foo : x = y ∨ x ≠ y := Classical.em _
theorem bar : 1 = 1 ∨ 1 ≠ 1 := by simp
theorem bar' : 1 = 1 ∨ 1 ≠ 1 := foo

#print axioms bar'
-- 'bar'' depends on axioms: [Classical.choice, Quot.sound, propext]

#print dependents Classical.choice
-- foo: Classical.em
-- bar': foo


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.print


Defined in: Mathlib.Tactic.PushNeg.pushNeg

The syntax is #push_neg e, where e is an expression, which will print the push_neg form of e.

#push_neg understands local variables, so you can use them to introduce parameters.


Defined in: Lean.reduceCmd

#reduce <expression> reduces the expression <expression> to its normal form. This involves applying reduction rules until no further reduction is possible.

By default, proofs and types within the expression are not reduced. Use modifiers (proofs := true) and (types := true) to reduce them. Recall that propositions are types in Lean.

Warning: This can be a computationally expensive operation, especially for complex expressions.

Consider using #eval <expression> for simple evaluation/execution of expressions.


Defined in: «command#redundant_imports»

List the imports in this file which can be removed because they are transitively implied by another import.


Defined in: Mathlib.Linter.«command#reset_min_imports»

#reset_min_imports sets to empty the current list of cumulative imports.


Defined in: SlimCheck.«command#sample_»

#sample type, where type has an instance of SampleableExt, prints ten random values of type type using an increasing size parameter.

#sample Nat
-- prints
-- 0
-- 0
-- 2
-- 24
-- 64
-- 76
-- 5
-- 132
-- 8
-- 449
-- or some other sequence of numbers

#sample List Int
-- prints
-- []
-- [1, 1]
-- [-7, 9, -6]
-- [36]
-- [-500, 105, 260]
-- [-290]
-- [17, 156]
-- [-2364, -7599, 661, -2411, -3576, 5517, -3823, -968]
-- [-643]
-- [11892, 16329, -15095, -15461]
-- or whatever


Defined in: Batteries.Tactic.ShowUnused.«command#show_unused___»

#show_unused decl1 decl2 .. will highlight every theorem or definition in the current file not involved in the definition of declarations decl1, decl2, etc. The result is shown both in the message on #show_unused, as well as on the declarations themselves.

def foo := 1
def baz := 2
def bar := foo
#show_unused bar -- highlights `baz`


Defined in: Mathlib.Tactic.Conv.«command#simpOnly_=>__»

  • #simp => e runs simp on the expression e and displays the resulting expression after simplification.
  • #simp only [lems] => e runs simp only [lems] on e.
  • The => is optional, so #simp e and #simp only [lems] e have the same behavior. It is mostly useful for disambiguating the expression e from the lemmas.


Defined in: Mathlib.StacksTag.stacksTags

#stacks_tags retrieves all declarations that have the stacks attribute.

For each found declaration, it prints a line

'declaration_name' corresponds to tag 'declaration_tag'.

The variant #stacks_tags! also adds the theorem statement after each summary line.


Defined in: Mathlib.Tactic.Widget.stringDiagram

Display the string diagram for a given term.

Example usage:

/- String diagram for the equality theorem. -/
#string_diagram MonoidalCategory.whisker_exchange

/- String diagram for the morphism. -/
variable {C : Type u} [Category.{v} C] [MonoidalCategory C] {X Y : C} (f : 𝟙_ C ⟶ X ⊗ Y) in
#string_diagram f


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.synth


Defined in: SlimCheck.«command#test_»


Defined in: Lean.Parser.timeCmd

Time the elaboration of a command, and print the result (in milliseconds).

Example usage:

set_option maxRecDepth 100000 in
#time example : (List.range 500).length = 500 := rfl


Defined in: Mathlib.Tactic.InteractiveUnfold.unfoldCommand

#unfold? e gives all unfolds of e. In tactic mode, use unfold? instead.


Defined in: Batteries.Tactic.Where.«command#where»

#where gives a description of the global scope at this point in the module. This includes the namespace, open namespaces, universe and variable commands, and options set with set_option.


Defined in: Mathlib.Tactic.Conv.«command#whnf_»

The command #whnf e evaluates e to Weak Head Normal Form, which means that the "head" of the expression is reduced to a primitive - a lambda or forall, or an axiom or inductive type. It is similar to #reduce e, but it does not reduce the expression completely, only until the first constructor is exposed. For example:

open Nat List
set_option pp.notation false
#whnf [1, 2, 3].map succ
-- cons (succ 1) (map succ (cons 2 (cons 3 nil)))
#reduce [1, 2, 3].map succ
-- cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 4 nil))

The head of this expression is the List.cons constructor, so we can see from this much that the list is not empty, but the subterms Nat.succ 1 and List.map Nat.succ (List.cons 2 (List.cons 3 List.nil)) are still unevaluated. #reduce is equivalent to using #whnf on every subexpression.


Defined in: Mathlib.Tactic.Conv.«command#whnfR_»

The command #whnfR e evaluates e to Weak Head Normal Form with Reducible transparency, that is, it uses whnf but only unfolding reducible definitions.


Defined in: Lean.Widget.widgetCmd

Use #widget <widget> to display a panel widget, and #widget <widget> with <props> to display it with the given props. Useful for debugging widgets.

The type of <widget> must implement Widget.ToModule, and the type of <props> must implement Server.RpcEncodable. In particular, <props> : Json works.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.moduleDoc

/-! <text> -/ defines a module docstring that can be displayed by documentation generation tools. The string is associated with the corresponding position in the file. It can be used multiple times in the same file.


Defined in: Aesop.Frontend.Parser.addRules


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.addDocString

Adds a docstring to an existing declaration, replacing any existing docstring. The provided docstring should be written as a docstring for the add_decl_doc command, as in

/-- My new docstring -/
add_decl_doc oldDeclaration

This is useful for auto-generated declarations for which there is no place to write a docstring in the source code.

Parent projections in structures are an example of this:

structure Triple (α β γ : Type) extends Prod α β where
  thrd : γ

/-- Extracts the first two projections of a triple. -/
add_decl_doc Triple.toProd

Documentation can only be added to declarations in the same module.


Defined in: Batteries.Tactic.Alias.alias

The command alias name := target creates a synonym of target with the given name.

The command alias ⟨fwd, rev⟩ := target creates synonyms for the forward and reverse directions of an iff theorem. Use _ if only one direction is required.

These commands accept all modifiers and attributes that def and theorem do.


Defined in: Batteries.Tactic.Alias.aliasLR

The command alias name := target creates a synonym of target with the given name.

The command alias ⟨fwd, rev⟩ := target creates synonyms for the forward and reverse directions of an iff theorem. Use _ if only one direction is required.

These commands accept all modifiers and attributes that def and theorem do.


Defined in: commandAssert_exists_

assert_exists n is a user command that asserts that a declaration named n exists in the current import scope.

Be careful to use names (e.g. Rat) rather than notations (e.g. ).


Defined in: commandAssert_no_sorry_

Throws an error if the given identifier uses sorryAx.


Defined in: commandAssert_not_exists_

assert_not_exists n is a user command that asserts that a declaration named n does not exist in the current import scope.

Be careful to use names (e.g. Rat) rather than notations (e.g. ).

It may be used (sparingly!) in mathlib to enforce plans that certain files are independent of each other.

If you encounter an error on an assert_not_exists command while developing mathlib, it is probably because you have introduced new import dependencies to a file.

In this case, you should refactor your work (for example by creating new files rather than adding imports to existing files). You should not delete the assert_not_exists statement without careful discussion ahead of time.

assert_not_exists statements should generally live at the top of the file, after the module doc.


Defined in: commandAssert_not_imported_

assert_not_imported m₁ m₂ ... mₙ checks that each one of the modules m₁ m₂ ... mₙ is not among the transitive imports of the current file.

The command does not currently check whether the modules m₁ m₂ ... mₙ actually exist.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.attribute


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.binderPredicate

Declares a binder predicate. For example:

binder_predicate x " > " y:term => `($x > $y)


Defined in: Lean.Parser.«command__Builtin_dsimproc__[_]_(_):=_»

A builtin defeq simplification procedure.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.«command_Builtin_dsimproc_decl_(_):=_»

A builtin defeq simplification procedure declaration.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.«command__Builtin_simproc__[_]_(_):=_»

A builtin simplification procedure.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.«command_Builtin_simproc_decl_(_):=_»

A builtin simplification procedure declaration.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.simprocPatternBuiltin

Auxiliary command for associating a pattern with a builtin simplification procedure.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.classAbbrev


class abbrev C <params> := D_1, ..., D_n


class C <params> extends D_1, ..., D_n
attribute [instance] C.mk


Defined in: Mathlib.Util.«commandCompile_def%_»

compile_def% Foo.foo adds compiled code for the definition Foo.foo. This can be used for type class projections or definitions like List._sizeOf_1, for which Lean does not generate compiled code by default (since it is not used 99% of the time).


Defined in: Mathlib.Util.«commandCompile_inductive%_»

compile_inductive% Foo creates compiled code for the recursor Foo.rec, so that Foo.rec can be used in a definition without having to mark the definition as noncomputable.


Defined in: Mathlib.CountHeartbeats.commandCount_heartbeatsIn__

Count the heartbeats used in the enclosed command.

This is most useful for setting sufficient but reasonable limits via set_option maxHeartbeats for long running declarations.

If you do so, please resist the temptation to set the limit as low as possible. As the simp set and other features of the library evolve, other contributors will find that their (likely unrelated) changes have pushed the declaration over the limit. count_heartbearts in will automatically suggest a set_option maxHeartbeats via "Try this:" using the least number of the form 2^k * 200000 that suffices.

Note that that internal heartbeat counter accessible via IO.getNumHeartbeats has granularity 1000 times finer that the limits set by set_option maxHeartbeats. As this is intended as a user command, we divide by 1000.


Defined in: Mathlib.CountHeartbeats.commandCount_heartbeats!_In__

count_heartbeats! in cmd runs a command 10 times, reporting the range in heartbeats, and the standard deviation. The command count_heartbeats! n in cmd runs it n times instead.

Example usage:

count_heartbeats! in
def f := 37

displays the info message Min: 7 Max: 8 StdDev: 14%.


Defined in: Aesop.Frontend.Parser.declareRuleSets


Defined in: commandDeclare_bitwise_uint_theorems_


Defined in: Lean.Elab.Tactic.configElab


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Tactic.declareSimpLikeTactic


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.syntaxCat


Defined in: commandDeclare_uint_simprocs_


Defined in: commandDeclare_uint_theorems_

deprecate to

Defined in: Mathlib.Tactic.DeprecateMe.commandDeprecate_to____


deprecate to new_name new_name₂ ... new_nameₙ
theorem old_name : True := .intro

where new_name new_name₂ ... new_nameₙ is a sequence of identifiers produces the Try this suggestion:

theorem new_name : True := .intro

@[deprecated (since := "YYYY-MM-DD")] alias old_name := new_name

@[deprecated (since := "YYYY-MM-DD")] alias old_name₂ := new_name₂

@[deprecated (since := "YYYY-MM-DD")] alias old_nameₙ := new_nameₙ

where old_name old_name₂ ... old_nameₙ are the non-blacklisted declarations (auto)generated by the initial command.

The "YYYY-MM-DD" entry is today's date and it is automatically filled in.

deprecate to makes an effort to match old_name, the "visible" name, with new_name, the first identifier produced by the user. The "old", autogenerated declarations old_name₂ ... old_nameₙ are retrieved in alphabetical order. In the case in which the initial declaration produces at most 1 non-blacklisted declarations besides itself, the alphabetical sorting is irrelevant.

Technically, the command also take an optional String argument to fill in the date in since. However, its use is mostly intended for debugging purposes, where having a variable date would make tests time-dependent.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.deriving


Defined in: Lean.Parser.«command__Dsimproc__[_]_(_):=_»

Similar to simproc, but resulting expression must be definitionally equal to the input one.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.«command_Dsimproc_decl_(_):=_»

A user-defined defeq simplification procedure declaration. To activate this procedure in simp tactic, we must provide it as an argument, or use the command attribute to set its [simproc] attribute.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.elab


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.elab_rules


Defined in: Lean.Elab.Term.Quotation.commandElab_stx_quot_


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.end

end closes a section or namespace scope. If the scope is named <id>, it has to be closed with end <id>. The end command is optional at the end of a file.


Defined in: Aesop.Frontend.Parser.eraseRules


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.export

Adds names from other namespaces to the current namespace.

The command export Some.Namespace (name₁ name₂) makes name₁ and name₂:

  • visible in the current namespace without prefix Some.Namespace, like open, and
  • visible from outside the current namespace N as N.name₁ and N.name₂.


namespace Morning.Sky
  def star := "venus"
end Morning.Sky

namespace Evening.Sky
  export Morning.Sky (star)
  -- `star` is now in scope
  #check star
end Evening.Sky

-- `star` is visible in `Evening.Sky`
#check Evening.Sky.star

export private

Defined in: Lean.Elab.Command.exportPrivate

The command export private a b c in foo bar is similar to open private, but instead of opening them in the current scope it will create public aliases to the private definition. The definition will exist at exactly the original location and name, as if the private keyword was not used originally.

It will also open the newly created alias definition under the provided short name, like open private. It is also possible to specify the module instead with export private a b c from Other.Module.


Defined in: Mathlib.Tactic.ExtendDocs.commandExtend_docs__Before__After_

extend_docs <declName> before <prefix_string> after <suffix_string> extends the docs of <declName> by adding <prefix_string> before and <suffix_string> after.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.genInjectiveTheorems

This is an auxiliary command for generation constructor injectivity theorems for inductive types defined at Prelude.lean. It is meant for bootstrapping purposes only.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.import


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.in


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.include

include eeny meeny instructs Lean to include the section variables eeny and meeny in all theorems in the remainder of the current section, differing from the default behavior of conditionally including variables based on use in the theorem header. Other commands are not affected. include is usually followed by in theorem ... to limit the inclusion to the subsequent declaration.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.init_quot


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.initialize_simps_projections

This command allows customisation of the lemmas generated by simps.

By default, tagging a definition of an element myObj of a structure MyStruct with @[simps] generates one @[simp] lemma myObj_myProj for each projection myProj of MyStruct. There are a few exceptions to this general rule:

  • For algebraic structures, we will automatically use the notation (like Mul) for the projections if such an instance is available.
  • By default, the projections to parent structures are not default projections, but all the data-carrying fields are (including those in parent structures).

This default behavior is customisable as such:

  • You can disable a projection by default by running initialize_simps_projections MulEquiv (-invFun) This will ensure that no simp lemmas are generated for this projection, unless this projection is explicitly specified by the user (as in @[simps invFun] def myEquiv : MulEquiv _ _ := _).
  • Conversely, you can enable a projection by default by running initialize_simps_projections MulEquiv (+toEquiv).
  • You can specify custom names by writing e.g. initialize_simps_projections MulEquiv (toFun → apply, invFun → symm_apply).
  • If you want the projection name added as a prefix in the generated lemma name, you can use as_prefix fieldName: initialize_simps_projections MulEquiv (toFun → coe, as_prefix coe) Note that this does not influence the parsing of projection names: if you have a declaration foo and you want to apply the projections snd, coe (which is a prefix) and fst, in that order you can run @[simps snd_coe_fst] def foo ... and this will generate a lemma with the name coe_foo_snd_fst.

Here are a few extra pieces of information:

  • Run initialize_simps_projections? (or set_option trace.simps.verbose true) to see the generated projections.
  • Running initialize_simps_projections MyStruct without arguments is not necessary, it has the same effect if you just add @[simps] to a declaration.
  • It is recommended to call @[simps] or initialize_simps_projections in the same file as the structure declaration. Otherwise, the projections could be generated multiple times in different files.

Some common uses:

  • If you define a new homomorphism-like structure (like MulHom) you can just run initialize_simps_projections after defining the DFunLike instance (or instance that implies a DFunLike instance).
      instance {mM : Mul M} {mN : Mul N} : FunLike (MulHom M N) M N := ...
      initialize_simps_projections MulHom (toFun → apply)
    This will generate foo_apply lemmas for each declaration foo.
  • If you prefer coe_foo lemmas that state equalities between functions, use initialize_simps_projections MulHom (toFun → coe, as_prefix coe) In this case you have to use @[simps (config := .asFn)] or equivalently @[simps (config := .asFn)] whenever you call @[simps].
  • You can also initialize to use both, in which case you have to choose which one to use by default, by using either of the following
      initialize_simps_projections MulHom (toFun → apply, toFun → coe, as_prefix coe, -coe)
      initialize_simps_projections MulHom (toFun → apply, toFun → coe, as_prefix coe, -apply)
    In the first case, you can get both lemmas using @[simps, simps (config := .asFn) coe] and in the second case you can get both lemmas using @[simps (config := .asFn), simps apply].
  • If you declare a new homomorphism-like structure (like RelEmbedding), then initialize_simps_projections will automatically find any DFunLike coercions that will be used as the default projection for the toFun field.
      initialize_simps_projections relEmbedding (toFun → apply)
  • If you have an isomorphism-like structure (like Equiv) you often want to define a custom projection for the inverse:
      def Equiv.Simps.symm_apply (e : α ≃ β) : β → α := e.symm
      initialize_simps_projections Equiv (toFun → apply, invFun → symm_apply)


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.commandInitialize_simps_projections?_

This command allows customisation of the lemmas generated by simps.

By default, tagging a definition of an element myObj of a structure MyStruct with @[simps] generates one @[simp] lemma myObj_myProj for each projection myProj of MyStruct. There are a few exceptions to this general rule:

  • For algebraic structures, we will automatically use the notation (like Mul) for the projections if such an instance is available.
  • By default, the projections to parent structures are not default projections, but all the data-carrying fields are (including those in parent structures).

This default behavior is customisable as such:

  • You can disable a projection by default by running initialize_simps_projections MulEquiv (-invFun) This will ensure that no simp lemmas are generated for this projection, unless this projection is explicitly specified by the user (as in @[simps invFun] def myEquiv : MulEquiv _ _ := _).
  • Conversely, you can enable a projection by default by running initialize_simps_projections MulEquiv (+toEquiv).
  • You can specify custom names by writing e.g. initialize_simps_projections MulEquiv (toFun → apply, invFun → symm_apply).
  • If you want the projection name added as a prefix in the generated lemma name, you can use as_prefix fieldName: initialize_simps_projections MulEquiv (toFun → coe, as_prefix coe) Note that this does not influence the parsing of projection names: if you have a declaration foo and you want to apply the projections snd, coe (which is a prefix) and fst, in that order you can run @[simps snd_coe_fst] def foo ... and this will generate a lemma with the name coe_foo_snd_fst.

Here are a few extra pieces of information:

  • Run initialize_simps_projections? (or set_option trace.simps.verbose true) to see the generated projections.
  • Running initialize_simps_projections MyStruct without arguments is not necessary, it has the same effect if you just add @[simps] to a declaration.
  • It is recommended to call @[simps] or initialize_simps_projections in the same file as the structure declaration. Otherwise, the projections could be generated multiple times in different files.

Some common uses:

  • If you define a new homomorphism-like structure (like MulHom) you can just run initialize_simps_projections after defining the DFunLike instance (or instance that implies a DFunLike instance).
      instance {mM : Mul M} {mN : Mul N} : FunLike (MulHom M N) M N := ...
      initialize_simps_projections MulHom (toFun → apply)
    This will generate foo_apply lemmas for each declaration foo.
  • If you prefer coe_foo lemmas that state equalities between functions, use initialize_simps_projections MulHom (toFun → coe, as_prefix coe) In this case you have to use @[simps (config := .asFn)] or equivalently @[simps (config := .asFn)] whenever you call @[simps].
  • You can also initialize to use both, in which case you have to choose which one to use by default, by using either of the following
      initialize_simps_projections MulHom (toFun → apply, toFun → coe, as_prefix coe, -coe)
      initialize_simps_projections MulHom (toFun → apply, toFun → coe, as_prefix coe, -apply)
    In the first case, you can get both lemmas using @[simps, simps (config := .asFn) coe] and in the second case you can get both lemmas using @[simps (config := .asFn), simps apply].
  • If you declare a new homomorphism-like structure (like RelEmbedding), then initialize_simps_projections will automatically find any DFunLike coercions that will be used as the default projection for the toFun field.
      initialize_simps_projections relEmbedding (toFun → apply)
  • If you have an isomorphism-like structure (like Equiv) you often want to define a custom projection for the inverse:
      def Equiv.Simps.symm_apply (e : α ≃ β) : β → α := e.symm
      initialize_simps_projections Equiv (toFun → apply, invFun → symm_apply)


Defined in: Lean.Elab.Command.command_Irreducible_def____

Introduces an irreducible definition. irreducible_def foo := 42 generates a constant foo : Nat as well as a theorem foo_def : foo = 42.


Defined in: Batteries.Util.LibraryNote.commandLibrary_note___

library_note "some tag" /--
... some explanation ...

creates a new "library note", which can then be cross-referenced using

-- See note [some tag]

in doc-comments.


Defined in: Mathlib.Tactic.Sat.commandLrat_proof_Example____

A macro for producing SAT proofs from CNF / LRAT files. These files are commonly used in the SAT community for writing proofs.

The input to the lrat_proof command is the name of the theorem to define, and the statement (written in CNF format) and the proof (in LRAT format). For example:

lrat_proof foo
  "p cnf 2 4  1 2 0  -1 2 0  1 -2 0  -1 -2 0"
  "5 -2 0 4 3 0  5 d 3 4 0  6 1 0 5 1 0  6 d 1 0  7 0 5 2 6 0"

produces a theorem:

foo : ∀ (a a_1 : Prop), (¬a ∧ ¬a_1 ∨ a ∧ ¬a_1) ∨ ¬a ∧ a_1 ∨ a ∧ a_1
  • You can see the theorem statement by hovering over the word foo.
  • You can use the example keyword in place of foo to avoid generating a theorem.
  • You can use the include_str macro in place of the two strings to load CNF / LRAT files from disk.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.macro


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.macro_rules


Defined in: Mathlib.Tactic.MkIff.mkIffOfInductiveProp

mk_iff_of_inductive_prop i r makes an iff rule for the inductively-defined proposition i. The new rule r has the shape ∀ps is, i as ↔ ⋁_j, ∃cs, is = cs, where ps are the type parameters, is are the indices, j ranges over all possible constructors, the cs are the parameters for each of the constructors, and the equalities is = cs are the instantiations for each constructor for each of the indices to the inductive type i.

In each case, we remove constructor parameters (i.e. cs) when the corresponding equality would be just c = i for some index i.

For example, mk_iff_of_inductive_prop on List.Chain produces:

∀ { α : Type*} (R : α → α → Prop) (a : α) (l : List α),
  Chain R a l ↔ l = [] ∨ ∃(b : α) (l' : List α), R a b ∧ Chain R b l ∧ l = b :: l'

See also the mk_iff user attribute.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.mutual


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.namespace

namespace <id> opens a section with label <id> that influences naming and name resolution inside the section:

  • Declarations names are prefixed: def seventeen : ℕ := 17 inside a namespace Nat is given the full name Nat.seventeen.
  • Names introduced by export declarations are also prefixed by the identifier.
  • All names starting with <id>. become available in the namespace without the prefix. These names are preferred over names introduced by outer namespaces or open.
  • Within a namespace, declarations can be protected, which excludes them from the effects of opening the namespace.

As with section, namespaces can be nested and the scope of a namespace is terminated by a corresponding end <id> or the end of the file.

namespace also acts like section in delimiting the scope of variable, open, and other scoped commands.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.noncomputableSection


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Tactic.normCastAddElim

norm_cast_add_elim foo registers foo as an elim-lemma in norm_cast.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.notation


Defined in: Mathlib.Notation3.notation3

notation3 declares notation using Lean-3-style syntax.


notation3 "∀ᶠ " (...) " in " f ", " r:(scoped p => Filter.eventually p f) => r
notation3 "MyList[" (x", "* => foldr (a b => MyList.cons a b) MyList.nil) "]" => x

By default notation is unable to mention any variables defined using variable, but local notation3 is able to use such local variables.

Use notation3 (prettyPrint := false) to keep the command from generating a pretty printer for the notation.

This command can be used in mathlib4 but it has an uncertain future and was created primarily for backward compatibility.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.omit

omit instructs Lean to not include a variable previously included. Apart from variable names, it can also refer to typeclass instance variables by type using the syntax omit [TypeOfInst], in which case all instance variables that unify with the given type are omitted. omit should usually only be used in conjunction with in in order to keep the section structure simple.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.open

Makes names from other namespaces visible without writing the namespace prefix.

Names that are made available with open are visible within the current section or namespace block. This makes referring to (type) definitions and theorems easier, but note that it can also make [scoped instances], notations, and attributes from a different namespace available.

The open command can be used in a few different ways:

  • open Some.Namespace.Path1 Some.Namespace.Path2 makes all non-protected names in Some.Namespace.Path1 and Some.Namespace.Path2 available without the prefix, so that Some.Namespace.Path1.x and Some.Namespace.Path2.y can be referred to by writing only x and y.

  • open Some.Namespace.Path hiding def1 def2 opens all non-protected names in Some.Namespace.Path except def1 and def2.

  • open Some.Namespace.Path (def1 def2) only makes Some.Namespace.Path.def1 and Some.Namespace.Path.def2 available without the full prefix, so Some.Namespace.Path.def3 would be unaffected.

    This works even if def1 and def2 are protected.

  • open Some.Namespace.Path renaming def1 → def1', def2 → def2' same as open Some.Namespace.Path (def1 def2) but def1/def2's names are changed to def1'/def2'.

    This works even if def1 and def2 are protected.

  • open scoped Some.Namespace.Path1 Some.Namespace.Path2 only opens [scoped instances], notations, and attributes from Namespace1 and Namespace2; it does not make any other name available.

  • open <any of the open shapes above> in makes the names open-ed visible only in the next command or expression.


/-- SKI combinators https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SKI_combinator_calculus -/
namespace Combinator.Calculus
  def I (a : α) : α := a
  def K (a : α) : β → α := fun _ => a
  def S (x : α → β → γ) (y : α → β) (z : α) : γ := x z (y z)
end Combinator.Calculus

  -- open everything under `Combinator.Calculus`, *i.e.* `I`, `K` and `S`,
  -- until the section ends
  open Combinator.Calculus

  theorem SKx_eq_K : S K x = I := rfl

-- open everything under `Combinator.Calculus` only for the next command (the next `theorem`, here)
open Combinator.Calculus in
theorem SKx_eq_K' : S K x = I := rfl

  -- open only `S` and `K` under `Combinator.Calculus`
  open Combinator.Calculus (S K)

  theorem SKxy_eq_y : S K x y = y := rfl

  -- `I` is not in scope, we have to use its full path
  theorem SKxy_eq_Iy : S K x y = Combinator.Calculus.I y := rfl

  open Combinator.Calculus
      I → identity,
      K → konstant

  #check identity
  #check konstant

  open Combinator.Calculus
    hiding S

  #check I
  #check K

  namespace Demo
    inductive MyType
    | val

    namespace N1
      scoped infix:68 " ≋ " => BEq.beq

      scoped instance : BEq MyType where
        beq _ _ := true

      def Alias := MyType
    end N1
  end Demo

  -- bring `≋` and the instance in scope, but not `Alias`
  open scoped Demo.N1

  #check Demo.MyType.val == Demo.MyType.val
  #check Demo.MyType.val ≋ Demo.MyType.val
  -- #check Alias -- unknown identifier 'Alias'

open private

Defined in: Lean.Elab.Command.openPrivate

The command open private a b c in foo bar will look for private definitions named a, b, c in declarations foo and bar and open them in the current scope. This does not make the definitions public, but rather makes them accessible in the current section by the short name a instead of the (unnameable) internal name for the private declaration, something like _private.Other.Module.0.Other.Namespace.foo.a, which cannot be typed directly because of the 0 name component.

It is also possible to specify the module instead with open private a b c from Other.Module.


Defined in: «proof_wanted»

This proof would be a welcome contribution to the library!

The syntax of proof_wanted declarations is just like that of theorem, but without := or the proof. Lean checks that proof_wanted declarations are well-formed (e.g. it ensures that all the mentioned names are in scope, and that the theorem statement is a valid proposition), but they are discarded afterwards. This means that they cannot be used as axioms.

Typical usage:

@[simp] proof_wanted empty_find? [BEq α] [Hashable α] {a : α} :
    (∅ : HashMap α β).find? a = none


Defined in: Mathlib.Tactic.Recall.recall

The recall command redeclares a previous definition for illustrative purposes. This can be useful for files that give an expository account of some theory in Lean.

The syntax of the command mirrors def, so all the usual bells and whistles work.

recall List.cons_append (a : α) (as bs : List α) : (a :: as) ++ bs = a :: (as ++ bs) := rfl

Also, one can leave out the body.

recall Nat.add_comm (n m : Nat) : n + m = m + n

The command verifies that the new definition type-checks and that the type and value provided are definitionally equal to the original declaration. However, this does not capture some details (like binders), so the following works without error.

recall Nat.add_comm {n m : Nat} : n + m = m + n


Defined in: Lean.Option.registerBuiltinOption


Defined in: Mathlib.Tactic.Hint.registerHintStx

Register a tactic for use with the hint tactic, e.g. register_hint simp_all.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.registerLabelAttr

Initialize a new "label" attribute. Declarations tagged with the attribute can be retrieved using Lean.labelled.


Defined in: Lean.Option.registerOption


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.registerSimpAttr


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.register_tactic_tag

Register a tactic tag, saving its user-facing name and docstring.

Tactic tags can be used by documentation generation tools to classify related tactics.


Defined in: Lean.runCmd

The run_cmd doSeq command executes code in CommandElabM Unit. This is almost the same as #eval show CommandElabM Unit from do doSeq, except that it doesn't print an empty diagnostic.


Defined in: Lean.runElab

The run_elab doSeq command executes code in TermElabM Unit. This is almost the same as #eval show TermElabM Unit from do doSeq, except that it doesn't print an empty diagnostic.


Defined in: Lean.runMeta

The run_meta doSeq command executes code in MetaM Unit. This is almost the same as #eval show MetaM Unit from do doSeq, except that it doesn't print an empty diagnostic.

(This is effectively a synonym for run_elab.)


Defined in: Mathlib.Tactic.scopedNS

scoped[NS] is similar to the scoped modifier on attributes and notations, but it scopes the syntax in the specified namespace instead of the current namespace.

scoped[Matrix] infixl:72 " ⬝ᵥ " => Matrix.dotProduct
-- declares `*` as a notation for vector dot productss
-- which is only accessible if you `open Matrix` or `open scoped Matrix`.

namespace Nat

scoped[Nat.Count] attribute [instance] CountSet.fintype
-- make the definition Nat.CountSet.fintype an instance,
-- but only if `Nat.Count` is open


Defined in: Lean.Parser.commandSeal__

The seal foo command ensures that the definition of foo is sealed, meaning it is marked as [irreducible]. This command is particularly useful in contexts where you want to prevent the reduction of foo in proofs.

In terms of functionality, seal foo is equivalent to attribute [local irreducible] foo. This attribute specifies that foo should be treated as irreducible only within the local scope, which helps in maintaining the desired abstraction level without affecting global settings.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.section

A section/end pair delimits the scope of variable, include, open, set_option, and localcommands. Sections can be nested.section provides a label to the section that has to appear with the matchingend. In either case, the end` can be omitted, in which case the section is closed at the end of the file.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.set_option

set_option <id> <value> sets the option <id> to <value>. Depending on the type of the option, the value can be true, false, a string, or a numeral. Options are used to configure behavior of Lean as well as user-defined extensions. The setting is active until the end of the current section or namespace or the end of the file. Auto-completion is available for <id> to list available options.

set_option <id> <value> in <command> sets the option for just a single command:

set_option pp.all true in
#check 1 + 1

Similarly, set_option <id> <value> in can also be used inside terms and tactics to set an option only in a single term or tactic.


Defined in: Lean.Widget.showPanelWidgetsCmd

Use show_panel_widgets [<widget>] to mark that <widget> should always be displayed, including in downstream modules.

The type of <widget> must implement Widget.ToModule, and the type of <props> must implement Server.RpcEncodable. In particular, <props> : Json works.

Use show_panel_widgets [<widget> with <props>] to specify the <props> that the widget should be given as arguments.

Use show_panel_widgets [local <widget> (with <props>)?] to mark it for display in the current section, namespace, or file only.

Use show_panel_widgets [scoped <widget> (with <props>)?] to mark it for display only when the current namespace is open.

Use show_panel_widgets [-<widget>] to temporarily hide a previously shown widget in the current section, namespace, or file. Note that persistent erasure is not possible, i.e., -<widget> has no effect on downstream modules.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.«command__Simproc__[_]_(_):=_»

A user-defined simplification procedure used by the simp tactic, and its variants. Here is an example.

theorem and_false_eq {p : Prop} (q : Prop) (h : p = False) : (p ∧ q) = False := by simp [*]

open Lean Meta Simp
simproc ↓ shortCircuitAnd (And _ _) := fun e => do
  let_expr And p q := e | return .continue
  let r ← simp p
  let_expr False := r.expr | return .continue
  let proof ← mkAppM ``and_false_eq #[q, (← r.getProof)]
  return .done { expr := r.expr, proof? := some proof }

The simp tactic invokes shortCircuitAnd whenever it finds a term of the form And _ _. The simplification procedures are stored in an (imperfect) discrimination tree. The procedure should not assume the term e perfectly matches the given pattern. The body of a simplification procedure must have type Simproc, which is an alias for Expr → SimpM Step You can instruct the simplifier to apply the procedure before its sub-expressions have been simplified by using the modifier before the procedure name. Simplification procedures can be also scoped or local.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.«command_Simproc_decl_(_):=_»

A user-defined simplification procedure declaration. To activate this procedure in simp tactic, we must provide it as an argument, or use the command attribute to set its [simproc] attribute.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.simprocPattern

Auxiliary command for associating a pattern with a simplification procedure.


Defined in: commandSudoSet_option___

The command sudo set_option name val is similar to set_option name val, but it also allows to set undeclared options.


Defined in: commandSuppress_compilation

Replacing def and instance by noncomputable def and noncomputable instance, designed to disable the compiler in a given file or a given section. This is a hack to work around mathlib4#7103. Note that it does not work with notation3. You need to prefix such a notation declaration with unsuppress_compilation if suppress_compilation is active.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.syntax


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.syntaxAbbrev


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.tactic_extension

Add more documentation as an extension of the documentation for a given tactic.

The extended documentation is placed in the command's docstring. It is shown as part of a bulleted list, so it should be brief.


Defined in: testExternCmd


Defined in: Lean.«command__Unif_hint____Where_|_-⊢_»


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.universe

Declares one or more universe variables.

universe u v

Prop, Type, Type u and Sort u are types that classify other types, also known as universes. In Type u and Sort u, the variable u stands for the universe's level, and a universe at level u can only classify universes that are at levels lower than u. For more details on type universes, please refer to the relevant chapter of Theorem Proving in Lean.

Just as type arguments allow polymorphic definitions to be used at many different types, universe parameters, represented by universe variables, allow a definition to be used at any required level. While Lean mostly handles universe levels automatically, declaring them explicitly can provide more control when writing signatures. The universe keyword allows the declared universe variables to be used in a collection of definitions, and Lean will ensure that these definitions use them consistently.

/- Explicit type-universe parameter. -/
def id₁.{u} (α : Type u) (a : α) := a

/- Implicit type-universe parameter, equivalent to `id₁`.
  Requires option `autoImplicit true`, which is the default. -/
def id₂ (α : Type u) (a : α) := a

/- Explicit standalone universe variable declaration, equivalent to `id₁` and `id₂`. -/
universe u
def id₃ (α : Type u) (a : α) := a

On a more technical note, using a universe variable only in the right-hand side of a definition causes an error if the universe has not been declared previously.

def L₁.{u} := List (Type u)

-- def L₂ := List (Type u) -- error: `unknown universe level 'u'`

universe u
def L₃ := List (Type u)


universe u v w

structure Pair (α : Type u) (β : Type v) : Type (max u v) where
  a : α
  b : β

#check Pair.{v, w}
-- Pair : Type v → Type w → Type (max v w)


Defined in: Lean.Parser.commandUnseal__

The unseal foo command ensures that the definition of foo is unsealed, meaning it is marked as [semireducible], the default reducibility setting. This command is useful when you need to allow some level of reduction of foo in proofs.

Functionally, unseal foo is equivalent to attribute [local semireducible] foo. Applying this attribute makes foo semireducible only within the local scope.


Defined in: Lean.Elab.Command.unsetOption

Unset a user option


Defined in: commandUnsuppress_compilationIn_

The command unsuppress_compilation in def foo : ... makes sure that the definition is compiled to executable code, even if suppress_compilation is active.


Defined in: Lean.Parser.Command.variable

Declares one or more typed variables, or modifies whether already-declared variables are implicit.

Introduces variables that can be used in definitions within the same namespace or section block. When a definition mentions a variable, Lean will add it as an argument of the definition. This is useful in particular when writing many definitions that have parameters in common (see below for an example).

Variable declarations have the same flexibility as regular function parameters. In particular they can be [explicit, implicit][binder docs], or [instance implicit][tpil classes] (in which case they can be anonymous). This can be changed, for instance one can turn explicit variable x into an implicit one with variable {x}. Note that currently, you should avoid changing how variables are bound and declare new variables at the same time; see [issue 2789] for more on this topic.

In theorem bodies (i.e. proofs), variables are not included based on usage in order to ensure that changes to the proof cannot change the statement of the overall theorem. Instead, variables are only available to the proof if they have been mentioned in the theorem header or in an include command or are instance implicit and depend only on such variables.

See Variables and Sections from Theorem Proving in Lean for a more detailed discussion.

(Variables and Sections on Theorem Proving in Lean) [tpil classes]: https://lean-lang.org/theorem_proving_in_lean4/type_classes.html (Type classes on Theorem Proving in Lean) [binder docs]: https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathlib4_docs/Lean/Expr.html#Lean.BinderInfo (Documentation for the BinderInfo type) [issue 2789]: https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/issues/2789 (Issue 2789 on github)


    {α : Type u}      -- implicit
    (a : α)           -- explicit
    [instBEq : BEq α] -- instance implicit, named
    [Hashable α]      -- instance implicit, anonymous

  def isEqual (b : α) : Bool :=
    a == b

  #check isEqual
  -- isEqual.{u} {α : Type u} (a : α) [instBEq : BEq α] (b : α) : Bool

    {a} -- `a` is implicit now

  def eqComm {b : α} := a == b ↔ b == a

  #check eqComm
  -- eqComm.{u} {α : Type u} {a : α} [instBEq : BEq α] {b : α} : Prop

The following shows a typical use of variable to factor out definition arguments:

variable (Src : Type)

structure Logger where
  trace : List (Src × String)
#check Logger
-- Logger (Src : Type) : Type

namespace Logger
  -- switch `Src : Type` to be implicit until the `end Logger`
  variable {Src}

  def empty : Logger Src where
    trace := []
  #check empty
  -- Logger.empty {Src : Type} : Logger Src

  variable (log : Logger Src)

  def len :=
  #check len
  -- Logger.len {Src : Type} (log : Logger Src) : Nat

  variable (src : Src) [BEq Src]

  -- at this point all of `log`, `src`, `Src` and the `BEq` instance can all become arguments

  def filterSrc :=
      fun (src', str') => if src' == src then some str' else none
  #check filterSrc
  -- Logger.filterSrc {Src : Type} (log : Logger Src) (src : Src) [inst✝ : BEq Src] : List String

  def lenSrc :=
    log.filterSrc src |>.length
  #check lenSrc
  -- Logger.lenSrc {Src : Type} (log : Logger Src) (src : Src) [inst✝ : BEq Src] : Nat
end Logger

The following example demonstrates availability of variables in proofs:

  {α : Type}    -- available in the proof as indirectly mentioned through `a`
  [ToString α]  -- available in the proof as `α` is included
  (a : α)       -- available in the proof as mentioned in the header
  {β : Type}    -- not available in the proof
  [ToString β]  -- not available in the proof

theorem ex : a = a := rfl

After elaboration of the proof, the following warning will be generated to highlight the unused hypothesis:

included section variable '[ToString α]' is not used in 'ex', consider excluding it

In such cases, the offending variable declaration should be moved down or into a section so that only theorems that do depend on it follow it until the end of the section.


Defined in: Mathlib.Command.Variable.variable?

The variable? command has the same syntax as variable, but it will auto-insert missing instance arguments wherever they are needed. It does not add variables that can already be deduced from others in the current context. By default the command checks that variables aren't implied by earlier ones, but it does not check that earlier variables aren't implied by later ones. Unlike variable, the variable? command does not support changing variable binder types.

The variable? command will give a suggestion to replace itself with a command of the form variable? ...binders... => ...binders.... The binders after the => are the completed list of binders. When this => clause is present, the command verifies that the expanded binders match the post-=> binders. The purpose of this is to help keep code that uses variable? resilient against changes to the typeclass hierarchy, at least in the sense that this additional information can be used to debug issues that might arise. One can also replace variable? ...binders... => with variable.

The core algorithm is to try elaborating binders one at a time, and whenever there is a typeclass instance inference failure, it synthesizes binder syntax for it and adds it to the list of binders and tries again, recursively. There are no guarantees that this process gives the "correct" list of binders.

Structures tagged with the variable_alias attribute can serve as aliases for a collection of typeclasses. For example, given

structure VectorSpace (k V : Type*) [Field k] [AddCommGroup V] [Module k V]

then variable? [VectorSpace k V] is equivalent to variable {k V : Type*} [Field k] [AddCommGroup V] [Module k V], assuming that there are no pre-existing instances on k and V. Note that this is not a simple replacement: it only adds instances not inferrable from others in the current scope.

A word of warning: the core algorithm depends on pretty printing, so if terms that appear in binders do not round trip, this algorithm can fail. That said, it has some support for quantified binders such as [∀ i, F i].


Defined in: Mathlib.Tactic.variables

Syntax for the variables command: this command is just a stub, and merely warns that it has been renamed to variable in Lean 4.


Defined in: Mathlib.WhatsNew.commandWhatsnewIn__

whatsnew in $command executes the command and then prints the declarations that were added to the environment.


Defined in: Lean.Elab.Command.commandWith_weak_namespace__

Changes the current namespace without causing scoped things to go out of scope

syntax ... [Batteries.Tactic.Lemma.lemmaCmd] lemma is not supported, please use theorem instead

syntax ... [Lean.Parser.Command.declaration]

syntax ... [Lean.Parser.Command.initialize]

syntax ... [Lean.Parser.Command.mixfix]

syntax ... [«lemma»] lemma means the same as theorem. It is used to denote "less important" theorems