Lean version: leanprover/lean4:v4.13.0-rc3


Register a declaration as an Aesop rule.


simp theorems in the Aesop rule set 'Bound'


simprocs in the Aesop rule set 'Bound'


simp theorems in the Aesop rule set 'CStarAlgebra'


simprocs in the Aesop rule set 'CStarAlgebra'


simp theorems in the Aesop rule set 'CategoryTheory'


simprocs in the Aesop rule set 'CategoryTheory'


simp theorems in the Aesop rule set 'Continuous'


simprocs in the Aesop rule set 'Continuous'


simp theorems in the Aesop rule set 'IsMultiplicative'


simprocs in the Aesop rule set 'IsMultiplicative'


simp theorems in the Aesop rule set 'Matroid'


simprocs in the Aesop rule set 'Matroid'


simp theorems in the Aesop rule set 'Measurable'


simprocs in the Aesop rule set 'Measurable'


simp theorems in the Aesop rule set 'Restrict'


simprocs in the Aesop rule set 'Restrict'


simp theorems in the Aesop rule set 'SetLike'


simprocs in the Aesop rule set 'SetLike'


simp theorems in the Aesop rule set 'SimpleGraph'


simprocs in the Aesop rule set 'SimpleGraph'


simp theorems in the Aesop rule set 'Sym2'


simprocs in the Aesop rule set 'Sym2'


simp theorems in the Aesop rule set 'builtin'


simprocs in the Aesop rule set 'builtin'


simp theorems in the Aesop rule set 'default'


simprocs in the Aesop rule set 'default'


simp theorems in the Aesop rule set 'finsetNonempty'


simprocs in the Aesop rule set 'finsetNonempty'


Tag that lets the algebraize tactic know which Algebra property corresponds to this RingHom property. A user attribute that is used to tag RingHom properties that can be converted to Algebra properties. Using an (optional) parameter, it will also generate a Name of a declaration which will help the algebraize tactic access the corresponding Algebra property.

There are two cases for what declaration corresponding to this Name can be.

  1. An inductive type (i.e. the Algebra property itself), in this case it is assumed that the RingHom and the Algebra property are definitionally the same, and the tactic will construct the Algebra property by giving the RingHom property as a term.
  2. A constructor for the Algebra property. In this case it is assumed that the RingHom property is the last argument of the constructor, and that no other explicit argument is needed. The tactic then constructs the Algebra property by applying the constructor to the RingHom property.

Finally, if no argument is provided to the algebraize attribute, it is assumed that the tagged declaration has name RingHom.Property and that the corresponding Algebra property has name Algebra.Property. The attribute then returns Algebra.Property (so assume case 1 above).


mark definition to be always inlined


Register an unexpander for applications of a given constant.

[app_unexpander c] registers a Lean.PrettyPrinter.Unexpander for applications of the constant c. The unexpander is passed the result of pre-pretty printing the application without implicitly passed arguments. If pp.explicit is set to true or pp.notation is set to false, it will not be called at all.




simp lemmas converting boolean expressions in terms of decide into propositional statements


Register a theorem as an apply rule for the bound tactic. Register a lemma as an apply rule for the bound tactic.

A lemma is appropriate for bound if it proves an inequality using structurally simpler inequalities, "recursing" on the structure of the expressions involved, assuming positivity or nonnegativity where useful. Examples include

  1. gcongr-like inequalities over < and such as f x ≤ f y where f is monotone (note that gcongr supports other relations).
  2. mul_le_mul which proves a * b ≤ c * d from a ≤ c ∧ b ≤ d ∧ 0 ≤ b ∧ 0 ≤ c
  3. Positivity or nonnegativity inequalities such as sub_nonneg: a ≤ b → 0 ≤ b - a
  4. Inequalities involving 1 such as one_le_div or Real.one_le_exp
  5. Disjunctions where the natural recursion branches, such as a ^ n ≤ a ^ m when the inequality for n,m depends on whether 1 ≤ a ∨ a ≤ 1.

Each @[bound] lemma is assigned a score based on the number and complexity of its hypotheses, and the aesop implementation chooses lemmas with lower scores first:

  1. Inequality hypotheses involving 0 add 1 to the score.
  2. General inequalities add 10.
  3. Disjuctions a ∨ b add 100 plus the sum of the scores of a and b.

The functionality of bound overlaps with positivity and gcongr, but can jump back and forth between 0 ≤ x and x ≤ y-type inequalities. For example, bound proves 0 ≤ c → b ≤ a → 0 ≤ a * c - b * c by turning the goal into b * c ≤ a * c, then using mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right. bound also uses specialized lemmas for goals of the form 1 ≤ x, 1 < x, x ≤ 1, x < 1.

See also @[bound_forward] which marks a lemma as a forward rule for bound: these lemmas are applied to hypotheses to extract inequalities (e.g. HasPowerSeriesOnBall.r_pos).


Builtin parser


(builtin) Register a parenthesizer for a syntax category.

[category_parenthesizer cat] registers a declaration of type Lean.PrettyPrinter.CategoryParenthesizer for the category cat, which is used when parenthesizing calls of categoryParser cat prec. Implementations should call maybeParenthesize with the precedence and cat. If no category parenthesizer is registered, the category will never be parenthesized, but still be traversed for parenthesizing nested categories.


(builtin) Use to decorate methods for suggesting code actions. This is a low-level interface for making code actions.


Declare a new builtin command code action, to appear in the code actions on commands


(builtin) command elaborator


Builtin parser


(builtin) Register a delaborator.

[delab k] registers a declaration of type Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator.Delab for the Lean.Expr constructor k. Multiple delaborators for a single constructor are tried in turn until the first success. If the term to be delaborated is an application of a constant c, elaborators for app.c are tried first; this is also done for Expr.consts ("nullary applications") to reduce special casing. If the term is an Expr.mdata with a single key k, mdata.k is tried first.


Builtin parser


make the docs and location of this declaration available as a builtin


(builtin) Register a formatter for a parser.

[formatter k] registers a declaration of type Lean.PrettyPrinter.Formatter for the SyntaxNodeKind k.


(builtin) Marks an elaborator (tactic or command, currently) as supporting incremental elaboration. For unmarked elaborators, the corresponding snapshot bundle field in the elaboration context is unset so as to prevent accidental, incorrect reuse.


initialization procedure for global references


Builtin parser


(builtin) macro elaborator


(builtin) adds a syntax traversal for the missing docs linter


(builtin) Register a parenthesizer for a parser.

[parenthesizer k] registers a declaration of type Lean.PrettyPrinter.Parenthesizer for the SyntaxNodeKind k.


Builtin parser


Builtin parser


(builtin) Register a double backtick syntax quotation pre-check.

[quot_precheck k] registers a declaration of type Lean.Elab.Term.Quotation.Precheck for the SyntaxNodeKind k. It should implement eager name analysis on the passed syntax by throwing an exception on unbound identifiers, and calling precheck recursively on nested terms, potentially with an extended local context (withNewLocal). Macros without registered precheck hook are unfolded, and identifier-less syntax is ultimately assumed to be well-formed.


Builtin parser


(builtin) tactic elaborator


Builtin parser


(builtin) term elaborator


Builtin parser


(builtin) Marks a function of type Lean.Linter.IgnoreFunction for suppressing unused variable warnings Adds the @[{builtin_}unused_variables_ignore_fn] attribute, which is applied to declarations of type IgnoreFunction for use by the unused variables linter.


(builtin) Registers a widget module. Its type must implement Lean.Widget.ToModule. Registers a widget module. Its type must implement Lean.Widget.ToModule.


Builtin bv_normalize simproc


simp theorems used by bv_normalize


simprocs used by bv_normalize


simp lemmas converting BitVec goals to Nat goals, for the bv_omega preprocessor


custom casesOn-like eliminator for the cases tactic


Register a parenthesizer for a syntax category.

[category_parenthesizer cat] registers a declaration of type Lean.PrettyPrinter.CategoryParenthesizer for the category cat, which is used when parenthesizing calls of categoryParser cat prec. Implementations should call maybeParenthesize with the precedence and cat. If no category parenthesizer is registered, the category will never be parenthesized, but still be traversed for parenthesizing nested categories.


type class


Use to decorate methods for suggesting code actions. This is a low-level interface for making code actions.


Adds a definition as a coercion


auxiliary definition used to implement coercion (unfolded during elaboration)


Register a formatter for a parser combinator.

[combinator_formatter c] registers a declaration of type Lean.PrettyPrinter.Formatter for the Parser declaration c. Note that, unlike with [formatter], this is not a node kind since combinators usually do not introduce their own node kinds. The tagged declaration may optionally accept parameters corresponding to (a prefix of) those of c, where Parser is replaced with Formatter in the parameter types.


Register a parenthesizer for a parser combinator.

[combinator_parenthesizer c] registers a declaration of type Lean.PrettyPrinter.Parenthesizer for the Parser declaration c. Note that, unlike with [parenthesizer], this is not a node kind since combinators usually do not introduce their own node kinds. The tagged declaration may optionally accept parameters corresponding to (a prefix of) those of c, where Parser is replaced with Parenthesizer in the parameter types.


Declare a new command code action, to appear in the code actions on commands


command elaborator




Marks a function as a computed field of an inductive


congruence theorem


compiler passes for the code generator


simplification theorem for the compiler


type class default instance


Register a delaborator.

[delab k] registers a declaration of type Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator.Delab for the Lean.Expr constructor k. Multiple delaborators for a single constructor are tried in turn until the first success. If the term to be delaborated is an application of a constant c, elaborators for app.c are tried first; this is also done for Expr.consts ("nullary applications") to reduce special casing. If the term is an Expr.mdata with a single key k, mdata.k is tried first.


mark declaration as deprecated




A dummy label attribute, which can be used for testing.


instructs elaborator that the arguments of the function application should be elaborated as were an eliminator


mark that applications of the given declaration should be elaborated without the expected type



Use this declaration as a linting test in #lint


Overrides the equation lemmas for a declaration to the provided list Similar to registerParametricAttribute except that attributes do not have to be assigned in the same file as the declaration.


name to be used by code generators


Register an Expr presenter. It must have the type ProofWidgets.ExprPresenter. Register an Expr presenter. It must have the type ProofWidgets.ExprPresenter.


Marks a theorem as an extensionality theorem


builtin and foreign functions


The simpset field_simps is used by the tactic field_simp to reduce an expression in a field to an expression of the form n / d where n and d are division-free.


simproc set for field_simps_proc


A simp set for the fin_omega wrapper around omega.


simproc set for fin_omega_proc


Register a formatter for a parser.

[formatter k] registers a declaration of type Lean.PrettyPrinter.Formatter for the SyntaxNodeKind k.


fun_prop tactic to prove function properties like Continuous, Differentiable, IsLinearMap Initialization of funProp attribute


Simp set for functor_norm


simproc set for functor_norm_proc


generalized congruence Attribute marking "generalized congruence" (gcongr) lemmas. Such lemmas must have a conclusion of a form such as f x₁ y z₁ ∼ f x₂ y z₂; that is, a relation between the application of a function to two argument lists, in which the "varying argument" pairs (here x₁/x₂ and z₁/z₂) are all free variables.

The antecedents of such a lemma are classified as generating "main goals" if they are of the form x₁ ≈ x₂ for some "varying argument" pair x₁/x₂ (and a possibly different relation to ), or more generally of the form ∀ i h h' j h'', f₁ i j ≈ f₂ i j (say) for some "varying argument" pair f₁/f₂. (Other antecedents are considered to generate "side goals".) The index of the "varying argument" pair corresponding to each "main" antecedent is recorded.

Lemmas involving < or can also be marked @[bound] for use in the related bound tactic.


adds a gcongr_forward extension


Simplification rules for ghost equations.


simproc set for ghost_simps_proc


grind tactic applies cases to (non-recursive) inductives during pre-processing step


simplification/normalization theorems for grind


simplification/normalization procedured for grind


From a lemma of the shape ∀ x, f (g x) = h x derive an auxiliary lemma of the form f ∘ g = h for reasoning about higher-order functions.

Syntax: [higher_order] or [higher_order name], where the given name is used for the generated theorem. The higher_order attribute. From a lemma of the shape ∀ x, f (g x) = h x derive an auxiliary lemma of the form f ∘ g = h for reasoning about higher-order functions.

Syntax: [higher_order] or [higher_order name] where the given name is used for the generated theorem.


Declare a new hole code action, to appear in the code actions on ?_ and _


name of the Lean (probably unsafe) function that implements opaque constant


Marks an elaborator (tactic or command, currently) as supporting incremental elaboration. For unmarked elaborators, the corresponding snapshot bundle field in the elaboration context is unset so as to prevent accidental, incorrect reuse.


custom rec-like eliminator for the induction tactic


inherit documentation from a specified declaration


initialization procedure for global references


mark definition to be inlined


mark definition to be inlined when resultant term after reduction is not a cases_on application


type class instance


Simp set for integral rules.


simproc set for integral_simps_proc


irreducible declaration


A stub attribute for is_poly.


macro elaborator


mark definition to always be inlined before ANF conversion


mark that a definition can be used in a pattern (remark: the dependent pattern matching compiler will unfold the definition)


The simpset mfld_simps records several simp lemmas that are especially useful in manifolds. It is a subset of the whole set of simp lemmas, but it makes it possible to have quicker proofs (when used with squeeze_simp or simp only) while retaining readability.

The typical use case is the following, in a file on manifolds: If simp [foo, bar] is slow, replace it with squeeze_simp [foo, bar, mfld_simps] and paste its output. The list of lemmas should be reasonable (contrary to the output of squeeze_simp [foo, bar] which might contain tens of lemmas), and the outcome should be quick enough.


simproc set for mfld_simps_proc


adds a syntax traversal for the missing docs linter


Generate an iff lemma for an inductive Prop.


Simp set for functor_norm


simproc set for monad_norm_proc


A lemma stating the monotonicity of some function, with respect to appropriate relations on its domain and range, and possibly with side conditions.


this tactic acts on multiple goals The multigoal attribute keeps track of tactics that operate on multiple goals, meaning that tac acts differently from focus tac. This is used by the 'unnecessary <;>' linter to prevent false positives where tac <;> tac' cannot be replaced by (tac; tac') because the latter would expose tac to a different set of goals.


instruct the compiler that function applications using the tagged declaration should not be extracted when they are closed terms, nor common subexpression should be performed. This is useful for declarations that have implicit effects.


mark definition to never be inlined


Do not report this declaration in any of the tests of #lint Defines the user attribute nolint for skipping #lint


The @[nontriviality] simp set is used by the nontriviality tactic to automatically discharge theorems about the trivial case (where we know Subsingleton α and many theorems in e.g. groups are trivially true).


simproc set for nontriviality_proc


attribute for norm_cast


adds a norm_num extension


mark definition to never be specialized


An attribute specifying that this is a notation class. Used by @[simps]. @[notation_class] attribute. Note: this is not a NameMapAttribute because we key on the argument of the attribute, not the declaration name.


Register a parenthesizer for a parser.

[parenthesizer k] registers a declaration of type Lean.PrettyPrinter.Parenthesizer for the SyntaxNodeKind k.


Simp attribute for lemmas about Even


simproc set for parity_simps_proc


adds a positivity extension




mark declaration to never be pretty printed using field notation


mark structure to be pretty printed using ⟨a,b,c⟩ notation






The push_cast simp attribute uses norm_cast lemmas to move casts toward the leaf nodes of the expression. The push_cast simp attribute.


The simpset qify_simps is used by the tactic qify to move expressions from or to which gives a well-behaved division.


simproc set for qify_simps_proc


Register a double backtick syntax quotation pre-check.

[quot_precheck k] registers a declaration of type Lean.Elab.Term.Quotation.Precheck for the SyntaxNodeKind k. It should implement eager name analysis on the passed syntax by throwing an exception on unbound identifiers, and calling precheck recursively on nested terms, potentially with an extended local context (withNewLocal). Macros without registered precheck hook are unfolded, and identifier-less syntax is ultimately assumed to be well-formed.


"Simp attribute for lemmas about RCLike"


simproc set for rclike_simps_proc



user defined recursor, numerical parameter specifies position of the major premise


lemmas for preprocessing and cleanup in the reduce_mod_char tactic @[reduce_mod_char] is an attribute that tags lemmas for preprocessing and cleanup in the reduce_mod_char tactic


reducible declaration


reflexivity relation


The simpset rify_simps is used by the tactic rify to move expressions from , , or to .


simproc set for rify_simps_proc


explicitly run hooks normally activated by builtin parser attributes


explicitly run hooks normally activated by parser attributes


semireducible declaration


Marks a function as a Lean server RPC method. Shorthand for registerRpcProcedure. The function must have type α → RequestM (RequestTask β) with [RpcEncodable α] and [RpcEncodable β].


Like server_rpc_method, but requests for this method can be cancelled. The method should check for that using IO.checkCanceled. Cancellable methods are invoked differently from JavaScript: see callCancellable in cancellable.ts. Like server_rpc_method, but requests for this method can be cancelled. The method should check for that using IO.checkCanceled. Cancellable methods are invoked differently from JavaScript: see callCancellable in cancellable.ts.


symbolic evaluator theorem


Symbolic evaluator procedure


Builtin symbolic evaluation procedure


simplification theorem


Simplification procedure


Builtin simplification procedure


Automatically derive lemmas specifying the projections of this declaration. The simps attribute.


mark definition to always be specialized


Apply a Stacks or Kerodon project tag to a theorem.




symmetric relation


tactic elaborator


Register a tactic parser as an alternative form of an existing tactic, so they can be grouped together in documentation.


Declare a new tactic code action, to appear in the code actions on tactics




Register a tactic parser as an alternative of an existing tactic, so they can be grouped together in documentation.


term elaborator




Transport multiplicative to additive The attribute to_additive can be used to automatically transport theorems and definitions (but not inductive types and structures) from a multiplicative theory to an additive theory.

To use this attribute, just write:

theorem mul_comm' {α} [CommSemigroup α] (x y : α) : x * y = y * x := mul_comm x y

This code will generate a theorem named add_comm'. It is also possible to manually specify the name of the new declaration:

@[to_additive add_foo]
theorem foo := sorry

An existing documentation string will not be automatically used, so if the theorem or definition has a doc string, a doc string for the additive version should be passed explicitly to to_additive.

/-- Multiplication is commutative -/
@[to_additive "Addition is commutative"]
theorem mul_comm' {α} [CommSemigroup α] (x y : α) : x * y = y * x := CommSemigroup.mul_comm

The transport tries to do the right thing in most cases using several heuristics described below. However, in some cases it fails, and requires manual intervention.

Use the (reorder := ...) syntax to reorder the arguments in the generated additive declaration. This is specified using cycle notation. For example (reorder := 1 2, 5 6) swaps the first two arguments with each other and the fifth and the sixth argument and (reorder := 3 4 5) will move the fifth argument before the third argument. This is mostly useful to translate declarations using Pow to those using SMul.

Use the (attr := ...) syntax to apply attributes to both the multiplicative and the additive version:

@[to_additive (attr := simp)] lemma mul_one' {G : Type*} [Group G] (x : G) : x * 1 = x := mul_one x

For simps this also ensures that some generated lemmas are added to the additive dictionary. @[to_additive (attr := to_additive)] is a special case, where the to_additive attribute is added to the generated lemma only, to additivize it again. This is useful for lemmas about Pow to generate both lemmas about SMul and VAdd. Example:

@[to_additive (attr := to_additive VAdd_lemma, simp) SMul_lemma]
lemma Pow_lemma ... :=

In the above example, the simp is added to all 3 lemmas. All other options to to_additive (like the generated name or (reorder := ...)) are not passed down, and can be given manually to each individual to_additive call.

Implementation notes

The transport process generally works by taking all the names of identifiers appearing in the name, type, and body of a declaration and creating a new declaration by mapping those names to additive versions using a simple string-based dictionary and also using all declarations that have previously been labeled with to_additive.

In the mul_comm' example above, to_additive maps:

  • mul_comm' to add_comm',
  • CommSemigroup to AddCommSemigroup,
  • x * y to x + y and y * x to y + x, and
  • CommSemigroup.mul_comm' to AddCommSemigroup.add_comm'.


to_additive uses heuristics to determine whether a particular identifier has to be mapped to its additive version. The basic heuristic is

  • Only map an identifier to its additive version if its first argument doesn't contain any unapplied identifiers.


  • @Mul.mul Nat n m (i.e. (n * m : Nat)) will not change to +, since its first argument is Nat, an identifier not applied to any arguments.
  • @Mul.mul (α × β) x y will change to +. It's first argument contains only the identifier Prod, but this is applied to arguments, α and β.
  • @Mul.mul (α × Int) x y will not change to +, since its first argument contains Int.

The reasoning behind the heuristic is that the first argument is the type which is "additivized", and this usually doesn't make sense if this is on a fixed type.

There are some exceptions to this heuristic:

  • Identifiers that have the @[to_additive] attribute are ignored. For example, multiplication in ↥Semigroup is replaced by addition in ↥AddSemigroup.
  • If an identifier d has attribute @[to_additive_relevant_arg n] then the argument in position n is checked for a fixed type, instead of checking the first argument. @[to_additive] will automatically add the attribute @[to_additive_relevant_arg n] to a declaration when the first argument has no multiplicative type-class, but argument n does.
  • If an identifier has attribute @[to_additive_ignore_args n1 n2 ...] then all the arguments in positions n1, n2, ... will not be checked for unapplied identifiers (start counting from 1). For example, ContMDiffMap has attribute @[to_additive_ignore_args 21], which means that its 21st argument (n : WithTop ℕ) can contain (usually in the form Top.top ℕ ...) and still be additivized. So @Mul.mul (C^∞⟮I, N; I', G⟯) _ f g will be additivized.


If @[to_additive] fails because the additive declaration raises a type mismatch, there are various things you can try. The first thing to do is to figure out what @[to_additive] did wrong by looking at the type mismatch error.

  • Option 1: The most common case is that it didn't additivize a declaration that should be additivized. This happened because the heuristic applied, and the first argument contains a fixed type, like or . However, the heuristic misfires on some other declarations. Solutions:
    • First figure out what the fixed type is in the first argument of the declaration that didn't get additivized. Note that this fixed type can occur in implicit arguments. If manually finding it is hard, you can run set_option trace.to_additive_detail true and search the output for the fragment "contains the fixed type" to find what the fixed type is.
    • If the fixed type has an additive counterpart (like ↥Semigroup), give it the @[to_additive] attribute.
    • If the fixed type has nothing to do with algebraic operations (like TopCat), add the attribute @[to_additive existing Foo] to the fixed type Foo.
    • If the fixed type occurs inside the k-th argument of a declaration d, and the k-th argument is not connected to the multiplicative structure on d, consider adding attribute [to_additive_ignore_args k] to d. Example: ContMDiffMap ignores the argument (n : WithTop ℕ)
  • Option 2: It additivized a declaration d that should remain multiplicative. Solution:
    • Make sure the first argument of d is a type with a multiplicative structure. If not, can you reorder the (implicit) arguments of d so that the first argument becomes a type with a multiplicative structure (and not some indexing type)? The reason is that @[to_additive] doesn't additivize declarations if their first argument contains fixed types like or . See section Heuristics. If the first argument is not the argument with a multiplicative type-class, @[to_additive] should have automatically added the attribute @[to_additive_relevant_arg] to the declaration. You can test this by running the following (where d is the full name of the declaration):
        open Lean in run_cmd logInfo m!"{ToAdditive.relevantArgAttr.find? (← getEnv) `d}"
      The expected output is n where the n-th (0-indexed) argument of d is a type (family) with a multiplicative structure on it. none means 0. If you get a different output (or a failure), you could add the attribute @[to_additive_relevant_arg n] manually, where n is an (1-indexed) argument with a multiplicative structure.
  • Option 3: Arguments / universe levels are incorrectly ordered in the additive version. This likely only happens when the multiplicative declaration involves pow/^. Solutions:
    • Ensure that the order of arguments of all relevant declarations are the same for the multiplicative and additive version. This might mean that arguments have an "unnatural" order (e.g. Monoid.npow n x corresponds to x ^ n, but it is convenient that Monoid.npow has this argument order, since it matches AddMonoid.nsmul n x.
    • If this is not possible, add (reorder := ...) argument to to_additive.

If neither of these solutions work, and to_additive is unable to automatically generate the additive version of a declaration, manually write and prove the additive version. Often the proof of a lemma/theorem can just be the multiplicative version of the lemma applied to multiplicative G. Afterwards, apply the attribute manually:

attribute [to_additive foo_add_bar] foo_bar

This will allow future uses of to_additive to recognize that foo_bar should be replaced with foo_add_bar.

Handling of hidden definitions

Before transporting the “main” declaration src, to_additive first scans its type and value for names starting with src, and transports them. This includes auxiliary definitions like src._match_1, src._proof_1.

In addition to transporting the “main” declaration, to_additive transports its equational lemmas and tags them as equational lemmas for the new declaration.

Structure fields and constructors

If src is a structure, then the additive version has to be already written manually. In this case to_additive adds all structure fields to its mapping.

Name generation

  • If @[to_additive] is called without a name argument, then the new name is autogenerated. First, it takes the longest prefix of the source name that is already known to to_additive, and replaces this prefix with its additive counterpart. Second, it takes the last part of the name (i.e., after the last dot), and replaces common name parts (“mul”, “one”, “inv”, “prod”) with their additive versions.

  • [todo] Namespaces can be transformed using map_namespace. For example:

    run_cmd to_additive.map_namespace `QuotientGroup `QuotientAddGroup

    Later uses of to_additive on declarations in the QuotientGroup namespace will be created in the QuotientAddGroup namespaces.

  • If @[to_additive] is called with a name argument new_name /without a dot/, then to_additive updates the prefix as described above, then replaces the last part of the name with new_name.

  • If @[to_additive] is called with a name argument NewNamespace.new_name /with a dot/, then to_additive uses this new name as is.

As a safety check, in the first case to_additive double checks that the new name differs from the original one.


Auxiliary attribute for to_additive that stores functions that have numerals as argument. Similar to registerParametricAttribute except that attributes do not have to be assigned in the same file as the declaration.


Auxiliary attribute for to_additive stating that certain arguments are not additivized. Similar to registerParametricAttribute except that attributes do not have to be assigned in the same file as the declaration.


Auxiliary attribute for to_additive stating which arguments are the types with a multiplicative structure. Similar to registerParametricAttribute except that attributes do not have to be assigned in the same file as the declaration.


Auxiliary attribute for to_additive that stores arguments that need to be reordered. This should not appear in any file. We keep it as an attribute for now so that mathport can still use it, and it can generate a warning. Similar to registerParametricAttribute except that attributes do not have to be assigned in the same file as the declaration.



transitive relation


simp set for the manipulation of typevec and arrow expressions


simproc set for typevec_proc


compiler tries to unbox result values if their types are tagged with [unbox]


unification hint


Marks a function of type Lean.Linter.IgnoreFunction for suppressing unused variable warnings Adds the @[{builtin_}unused_variables_ignore_fn] attribute, which is applied to declarations of type IgnoreFunction for use by the unused variables linter.


Attribute to record aliases for the variable? command. Attribute to record aliases for the variable? command. Aliases are structures that have no fields, and additional typeclasses are recorded as arguments to the structure.


structure VectorSpace (k V : Type*)
  [Field k] [AddCommGroup V] [Module k V]

Then variable? [VectorSpace k V] ensures that these three typeclasses are present in the current scope. Notice that it's looking at the arguments to the VectorSpace type constructor. You should not have any fields in variable_alias structures.

Notice that VectorSpace is not a class; the variable? command allows non-classes with the variable_alias attribute to use instance binders.


Registers a widget module. Its type must implement Lean.Widget.ToModule. Registers a widget module. Its type must implement Lean.Widget.ToModule.


The simpset zify_simps is used by the tactic zify to move expressions from to which gives a well-behaved subtraction. # zify_simps_proc simproc set for zify_simps_proc