
What is a macro

Macros in Lean are Syntax → MacroM Syntax functions. MacroM is the macro monad which allows macros to have some static guarantees we will discuss in the next section, you can mostly ignore it for now.

Macros are registered as handlers for a specific syntax declaration using the macro attribute. The compiler will take care of applying these function to the syntax for us before performing actual analysis of the input. This means that the only thing we have to do is declare our syntax with a specific name and bind a function of type Lean.Macro to it. Let's try to reproduce the LXOR notation from the Syntax chapter:

import Lean

open Lean

syntax:10 (name := lxor) term:10 " LXOR " term:11 : term

@[macro lxor] def lxorImpl : Macro
  | `($l:term LXOR $r:term) => `(!$l && $r) -- we can use the quotation mechanism to create `Syntax` in macros
  | _ => Macro.throwUnsupported

#eval true LXOR true -- false
#eval true LXOR false -- false
#eval false LXOR true -- true
#eval false LXOR false -- false

That was quite easy! The Macro.throwUnsupported function can be used by a macro to indicate that "it doesn't feel responsible for this syntax". In this case it's merely used to fill a wildcard pattern that should never be reached anyways.

However we can in fact register multiple macros for the same syntax this way if we desire, they will be tried one after another (the later registered ones have higher priority) -- is "higher" correct? until one throws either a real error using Macro.throwError or succeeds, that is it does not Macro.throwUnsupported. Let's see this in action:

@[macro lxor] def lxorImpl2 : Macro
  -- special case that changes behaviour of the case where the left and
  -- right hand side are these specific identifiers
  | `(true LXOR true) => `(true)
  | _ => Macro.throwUnsupported

#eval true LXOR true -- true, handled by new macro
#eval true LXOR false -- false, still handled by the old

This capability is obviously very powerful! It should not be used lightly and without careful thinking since it can introduce weird behaviour while writing code later on. The following example illustrates this weird behaviour:

#eval true LXOR true -- true, handled by new macro

def foo := true
#eval foo LXOR foo -- false, handled by old macro, after all the identifiers have a different name

Without knowing exactly how this macro is implemented this behaviour will be very confusing to whoever might be debugging an issue based on this. The rule of thumb for when to use a macro vs. other mechanisms like elaboration is that as soon as you are building real logic like in the 2nd macro above, it should most likely not be a macro but an elaborator (explained in the elaboration chapter). This means ideally we want to use macros for simple syntax to syntax translations, that a human could easily write out themselves as well but is too lazy to.

Simplifying macro declaration

Now that we know the basics of what a macro is and how to register it we can take a look at slightly more automated ways to do this (in fact all of the ways about to be presented are implemented as macros themselves).

First things first there is macro_rules which basically desugars to functions like the ones we wrote above, for example:

syntax:10 term:10 " RXOR " term:11 : term

  | `($l:term RXOR $r:term) => `($l && !$r)

As you can see, it figures out lot's of things on its own for us:

  • the name of the syntax declaration
  • the macro attribute registration
  • the throwUnsupported wildcard

apart from this it just works like a function that is using pattern matching syntax, we can in theory encode arbitrarily complex macro functions on the right hand side.

If this is still not short enough for you, there is a next step using the macro macro:

macro l:term:10 " ⊕ " r:term:11 : term => `((!$l && $r) || ($l && !$r))

#eval true ⊕ true -- false
#eval true ⊕ false -- true
#eval false ⊕ true -- true
#eval false ⊕ false -- false

As you can see, macro is quite close to notation already:

  • it performed syntax declaration for us
  • it automatically wrote a macro_rules style function to match on it

The are of course differences as well:

  • notation is limited to the term syntax category
  • notation cannot have arbitrary macro code on the right hand side

Syntax Quotations

The basics

So far we've handwaved the `(foo $bar) syntax to both create and match on Syntax objects but it's time for a full explanation since it will be essential to all non trivial things that are syntax related.

First things first we call the `() syntax a Syntax quotation. When we plug variables into a syntax quotation like this: `($x) we call the $x part an anti-quotation. When we insert x like this it is required that x is of type TSyntax y where y is some Name of a syntax category. The Lean compiler is actually smart enough to figure the syntax categories that are allowed in this place out. Hence you might sometimes see errors of the form:

application type mismatch
has type
  TSyntax `a : Type
but is expected to have type
  TSyntax `b : Type

If you are sure that your thing from the a syntax category can be used as a b here you can declare a coercion of the form:

instance : Coe (TSyntax `a) (TSyntax `b) where
  coe s := ⟨s.raw⟩

Which will allow Lean to perform the type cast automatically. If you notice that your a can not be used in place of the b here congrats, you just discovered a bug in your Syntax function. Similar to the Lean compiler, you could also declare functions that are specific to certain TSyntax variants. For example as we have seen in the syntax chapter there exists the function:

#check TSyntax.getNat -- TSyntax.getNat : TSyntax numLitKind → Nat

Which is guaranteed to not panic because we know that the Syntax that the function is receiving is a numeric literal and can thus naturally be converted to a Nat.

If we use the antiquotation syntax in pattern matching it will, as discussed in the syntax chapter, give us a variable x of type TSyntax y where y is the Name of the syntax category that fits in the spot where we pattern matched. If we wish to insert a literal $x into the Syntax for some reason, for example macro creating macros, we can escape the anti quotation using: `($$x).

If we want to specify the syntax kind we wish x to be interpreted as we can make this explicit using: `($x:term) where term can be replaced with any other valid syntax category (e.g. command) or parser (e.g. ident).

So far this is only a more formal explanation of the intuitive things we've already seen in the syntax chapter and up to now in this chapter, next we'll discuss some more advanced anti-quotations.

Advanced anti-quotations

For convenience we can also use anti-quotations in a way similar to format strings: `($(mkIdent `c)) is the same as: let x := mkIdent `c; `($x).

Furthermore there are sometimes situations in which we are not working with basic Syntax but Syntax wrapped in more complex datastructures, most notably Array (TSyntax c) or TSepArray c s. Where TSepArray c s, is a Syntax specific type, it is what we get if we pattern match on some Syntax that users a separator s to separate things from the category c. For example if we match using: $xs,*, xs will have type TSepArray c ",",. With the special case of matching on no specific separator (i.e. whitespace): $xs* in which we will receive an Array (TSyntax c).

If we are dealing with xs : Array (TSyntax c) and want to insert it into a quotation we have two main ways to achieve this:

  1. Insert it using a separator, most commonly ,: `($xs,*). This is also the way to insert a TSepArray c ",""
  2. Insert it point blank without a separator (TODO): `()

For example:

-- syntactically cut away the first element of a tuple if possible
syntax "cut_tuple " "(" term ", " term,+ ")" : term

  -- cutting away one element of a pair isn't possible, it would not result in a tuple
  | `(cut_tuple ($x, $y)) => `(($x, $y))
  | `(cut_tuple ($x, $y, $xs,*)) => `(($y, $xs,*))

#check cut_tuple (1, 2) -- (1, 2) : Nat × Nat
#check cut_tuple (1, 2, 3) -- (2, 3) : Nat × Nat

The last thing for this section will be so called "anti-quotation splices". There are two kinds of anti quotation splices, first the so called optional ones. For example we might declare a syntax with an optional argument, say our own let (in real projects this would most likely be a let in some functional language we are writing a theory about):

syntax "mylet " ident (" : " term)? " := " term " in " term : term

There is this optional (" : " term)? argument involved which can let the user define the type of the term to the left of it. With the methods we know so far we'd have to write two macro_rules now, one for the case with, one for the case without the optional argument. However the rest of the syntactic translation works exactly the same with and without the optional argument so what we can do using a splice here is to essentially define both cases at once:

  | `(mylet $x $[: $ty]? := $val in $body) => `(let $x $[: $ty]? := $val; $body)

The $[...]? part is the splice here, it basically says "if this part of the syntax isn't there, just ignore the parts on the right hand side that involve anti quotation variables involved here". So now we can run this syntax both with and without type ascription:

#eval mylet x := 5 in x - 10 -- 0, due to subtraction behaviour of `Nat`
#eval mylet x : Int := 5 in x - 10 -- -5, after all it is an `Int` now

The second and last splice might remind readers of list comprehension as seen for example in Python. We will demonstrate it using an implementation of map as a macro:

-- run the function given at the end for each element of the list
syntax "foreach " "[" term,* "]" term : term

  | `(foreach [ $[$x:term],* ] $func:term) => `(let f := $func; [ $[f $x],* ])

#eval foreach [1,2,3,4] (Nat.add 2) -- [3, 4, 5, 6]

In this case the $[...],* part is the splice. On the match side it tries to match the pattern we define inside of it repetitively (given the separator we tell it to). However unlike regular separator matching it does not give us an Array or SepArray, instead it allows us to write another splice on the right hand side that gets evaluated for each time the pattern we specified matched, with the specific values from the match per iteration.

Hygiene issues and how to solve them

If you are familiar with macro systems in other languages like C you probably know about so called macro hygiene issues already. A hygiene issue is when a macro introduces an identifier that collides with an identifier from some syntax that it is including. For example:

-- Applying this macro produces a function that binds a new identifier `x`.
macro "const" e:term : term => `(fun x => $e)

-- But `x` can also be defined by a user
def x : Nat := 42

-- Which `x` should be used by the compiler in place of `$e`?
#eval (const x) 10 -- 42

Given the fact that macros perform only syntactic translations one might expect the above eval to return 10 instead of 42: after all, the resulting syntax should be (fun x => x) 10. While this was of course not the intention of the author, this is what would happen in more primitive macro systems like the one of C. So how does Lean avoid these hygiene issues? You can read about this in detail in the excellent Beyond Notations paper which discusses the idea and implementation in Lean in detail. We will merely give an overview of the topic, since the details are not that interesting for practical uses. The idea described in Beyond Notations comes down to a concept called "macro scopes". Whenever a new macro is invoked, a new macro scope (basically a unique number) is added to a list of all the macro scopes that are active right now. When the current macro introduces a new identifier what is actually getting added is an identifier of the form:

<actual name>._@.(<module_name>.<scopes>)*.<module_name>._hyg.<scopes>

For example, if the module name is Init.Data.List.Basic, the name is foo.bla, and macros scopes are [2, 5] we get:


Since macro scopes are unique numbers the list of macro scopes appended in the end of the name will always be unique across all macro invocations, hence macro hygiene issues like the ones above are not possible.

If you are wondering why there is more than just the macro scopes to this name generation, that is because we may have to combine scopes from different files/modules. The main module being processed is always the right most one. This situation may happen when we execute a macro generated in a file imported in the current file.


The delimiter _hyg at the end is used just to improve performance of the function Lean.Name.hasMacroScopes -- the format could also work without it.

This was a lot of technical details. You do not have to understand them in order to use macros, if you want you can just keep in mind that Lean will not allow name clashes like the one in the const example.

Note that this extends to all names that are introduced using syntax quotations, that is if you write a macro that produces: `(def foo := 1), the user will not be able to access foo because the name will subject to hygiene. Luckily there is a way to circumvent this. You can use mkIdent to generate a raw identifier, for example: `(def $(mkIdent `foo) := 1). In this case it won't be subject to hygiene and accessible to the user.

MonadQuotation and MonadRef

Based on this description of the hygiene mechanism one interesting question pops up, how do we know what the current list of macro scopes actually is? After all in the macro functions that were defined above there is never any explicit passing around of the scopes happening. As is quite common in functional programming, as soon as we start having some additional state that we need to bookkeep (like the macro scopes) this is done with a monad, this is the case here as well with a slight twist.

Instead of implementing this for only a single monad MacroM the general concept of keeping track of macro scopes in monadic way is abstracted away using a type class called MonadQuotation. This allows any other monad to also easily provide this hygienic Syntax creation mechanism by simply implementing this type class.

This is also the reason that while we are able to use pattern matching on syntax with `(syntax) we cannot just create Syntax with the same syntax in pure functions: there is no Monad implementing MonadQuotation involved in order to keep track of the macro scopes.

Now let's take a brief look at the MonadQuotation type class:

namespace Playground

class MonadRef (m : Type → Type) where
  getRef      : m Syntax
  withRef {α} : Syntax → m α → m α

class MonadQuotation (m : Type → Type) extends MonadRef m where
  getCurrMacroScope : m MacroScope
  getMainModule     : m Name
  withFreshMacroScope {α : Type} : m α → m α

end Playground

Since MonadQuotation is based on MonadRef, let's take a look at MonadRef first. The idea here is quite simple: MonadRef is meant to be seen as an extension to the Monad typeclass which

  • gives us a reference to a Syntax value with getRef
  • can evaluate a certain monadic action m α with a new reference to a Syntax using withRef

On it's own MonadRef isn't exactly interesting, but once it is combined with MonadQuotation it makes sense.

As you can see MonadQuotation extends MonadRef and adds 3 new functions:

  • getCurrMacroScope which obtains the latest MacroScope that was created
  • getMainModule which (obviously) obtains the name of the main module, both of these are used to create these hygienic identifiers explained above
  • withFreshMacroScope which will compute the next macro scope and run some computation m α that performs syntax quotation with this new macro scope in order to avoid name clashes. While this is mostly meant to be used internally whenever a new macro invocation happens, it can sometimes make sense to use this in our own macros, for example when we are generating some syntax block repeatedly and want to avoid name clashes.

How MonadRef comes into play here is that Lean requires a way to indicate errors at certain positions to the user. One thing that wasn't introduced in the Syntax chapter is that values of type Syntax actually carry their position in the file around as well. When an error is detected, it is usually bound to a Syntax value which tells Lean where to indicate the error in the file. What Lean will do when using withFreshMacroScope is to apply the position of the result of getRef to each introduced symbol, which then results in better error positions than not applying any position.

To see error positioning in action, we can write a little macro that makes use of it:

syntax "error_position" ident : term

  | `(error_position all) => Macro.throwError "Ahhh"
  -- the `%$tk` syntax gives us the Syntax of the thing before the %,
  -- in this case `error_position`, giving it the name `tk`
  | `(error_position%$tk first) => withRef tk (Macro.throwError "Ahhh")

#check_failure error_position all -- the error is indicated at `error_position all`
#check_failure error_position first -- the error is only indicated at `error_position`

Obviously controlling the positions of errors in this way is quite important for a good user experience.

Mini project

As a final mini project for this section we will re-build the arithmetic DSL from the syntax chapter in a slightly more advanced way, using a macro this time so we can actually fully integrate it into the Lean syntax.

declare_syntax_cat arith

syntax num : arith
syntax arith "-" arith : arith
syntax arith "+" arith : arith
syntax "(" arith ")" : arith
syntax "[Arith|" arith "]" : term

  | `([Arith| $x:num]) => `($x)
  | `([Arith| $x:arith + $y:arith]) => `([Arith| $x] + [Arith| $y]) -- recursive macros are possible
  | `([Arith| $x:arith - $y:arith]) => `([Arith| $x] - [Arith| $y])
  | `([Arith| ($x:arith)]) => `([Arith| $x])

#eval [Arith| (12 + 3) - 4] -- 11

Again feel free to play around with it. If you want to build more complex things, like expressions with variables, maybe consider building an inductive type using macros instead. Once you got your arithmetic expression term as an inductive, you could then write a function that takes some form of variable assignment and evaluates the given expression for this assignment. You could also try to embed arbitrary terms into your arith language using some special syntax or whatever else comes to your mind.

More elaborate examples

Binders 2.0

As promised in the syntax chapter here is Binders 2.0. We'll start by reintroducing our theory of sets:

def Set (α : Type u) := α → Prop
def Set.mem (X : Set α) (x : α) : Prop := X x

-- Integrate into the already existing typeclass for membership notation
instance : Membership α (Set α) where
  mem := Set.mem

def Set.empty : Set α := λ _ => False

-- the basic "all elements such that" function for the notation
def setOf {α : Type} (p : α → Prop) : Set α := p

The goal for this section will be to allow for both {x : X | p x} and {x ∈ X, p x} notations. In principle there are two ways to do this:

  1. Define a syntax and macro for each way to bind a variable we might think of
  2. Define a syntax category of binders that we could reuse across other binder constructs such as Σ or Π as well and implement macros for the { | } case

In this section we will use approach 2 because it is more easily reusable.

declare_syntax_cat binder_construct
syntax "{" binder_construct "|" term "}" : term

Now let's define the two binders constructs we are interested in:

syntax ident " : " term : binder_construct
syntax ident " ∈ " term : binder_construct

And finally the macros to expand our syntax:

  | `({ $var:ident : $ty:term | $body:term }) => `(setOf (fun ($var : $ty) => $body))
  | `({ $var:ident ∈ $s:term | $body:term }) => `(setOf (fun $var => $var ∈ $s ∧ $body))

-- Old examples with better syntax:
#check { x : Nat | x ≤ 1 } -- setOf fun x => x ≤ 1 : Set Nat

example : 1 ∈ { y : Nat | y ≤ 1 } := by simp[Membership.mem, Set.mem, setOf]
example : 2 ∈ { y : Nat | y ≤ 3 ∧ 1 ≤ y } := by simp[Membership.mem, Set.mem, setOf]

-- New examples:
def oneSet : Set Nat := λ x => x = 1
#check { x ∈ oneSet | 10 ≤ x } -- setOf fun x => x ∈ oneSet ∧ 10 ≤ x : Set Nat

example : ∀ x, ¬(x ∈ { y ∈ oneSet | y ≠ 1 }) := by
  intro x h
  -- h : x ∈ setOf fun y => y ∈ oneSet ∧ y ≠ 1
  -- ⊢ False
  cases h
  -- : x ∈ oneSet
  -- : x ≠ 1

Reading further

If you want to know more about macros you can read:

  • the API docs: TODO link
  • the source code: the lower parts of Init.Prelude as you can see they are declared quite early in Lean because of their importance to building up syntax
  • the aforementioned Beyond Notations paper