
The Lean 4 metaprogramming API is organised around a small zoo of monads. The four main ones are:

  • CoreM gives access to the environment, i.e. the set of things that have been declared or imported at the current point in the program.
  • MetaM gives access to the metavariable context, i.e. the set of metavariables that are currently declared and the values assigned to them (if any).
  • TermElabM gives access to various information used during elaboration.
  • TacticM gives access to the list of current goals.

These monads extend each other, so a MetaM operation also has access to the environment and a TermElabM computation can use metavariables. There are also other monads which do not neatly fit into this hierarchy, e.g. CommandElabM extends MetaM but neither extends nor is extended by TermElabM.

This chapter demonstrates a number of useful operations in the MetaM monad. MetaM is of particular importance because it allows us to give meaning to every expression: the environment (from CoreM) gives meaning to constants like or and the metavariable context gives meaning to both metavariables and local hypotheses.

import Lean

open Lean Lean.Expr Lean.Meta



The 'Meta' in MetaM refers to metavariables, so we should talk about these first. Lean users do not usually interact much with metavariables -- at least not consciously -- but they are used all over the place in metaprograms. There are two ways to view them: as holes in an expression or as goals.

Take the goal perspective first. When we prove things in Lean, we always operate on goals, such as

n m : Nat
⊢ n + m = m + n

These goals are internally represented by metavariables. Accordingly, each metavariable has a local context containing hypotheses (here [n : Nat, m : Nat]) and a target type (here n + m = m + n). Metavariables also have a unique name, say m, and we usually render them as ?m.

To close a goal, we must give an expression e of the target type. The expression may contain fvars from the metavariable's local context, but no others. Internally, closing a goal in this way corresponds to assigning the metavariable; we write ?m := e for this assignment.

The second, complementary view of metavariables is that they represent holes in an expression. For instance, an application of Eq.trans may generate two goals which look like this:

n m : Nat
⊢ n = ?x

n m : Nat
⊢ ?x = m

Here ?x is another metavariable -- a hole in the target types of both goals, to be filled in later during the proof. The type of ?x is Nat and its local context is [n : Nat, m : Nat]. Now, if we solve the first goal by reflexivity, then ?x must be n, so we assign ?x := n. Crucially, this also affects the second goal: it is "updated" (not really, as we will see) to have target n = m. The metavariable ?x represents the same expression everywhere it occurs.

Tactic Communication via Metavariables

Tactics use metavariables to communicate the current goals. To see how, consider this simple (and slightly artificial) proof:

example {α} (a : α) (f : α → α) (h : ∀ a, f a = a) : f (f a) = a := by
  apply Eq.trans
  apply h
  apply h

After we enter tactic mode, our ultimate goal is to generate an expression of type f (f a) = a which may involve the hypotheses α, a, f and h. So Lean generates a metavariable ?m1 with target f (f a) = a and a local context containing these hypotheses. This metavariable is passed to the first apply tactic as the current goal.

The apply tactic then tries to apply Eq.trans and succeeds, generating three new metavariables:

⊢ f (f a) = ?b

⊢ ?b = a

⊢ α

Call these metavariables ?m2, ?m3 and ?b. The last one, ?b, stands for the intermediate element of the transitivity proof and occurs in ?m2 and ?m3. The local contexts of all metavariables in this proof are the same, so we omit them.

Having created these metavariables, apply assigns

?m1 := @Eq.trans α (f (f a)) ?b a ?m2 ?m3

and reports that ?m2, ?m3 and ?b are now the current goals.

At this point the second apply tactic takes over. It receives ?m2 as the current goal and applies h to it. This succeeds and the tactic assigns ?m2 := h (f a). This assignment implies that ?b must be f a, so the tactic also assigns ?b := f a. Assigned metavariables are not considered open goals, so the only goal that remains is ?m3.

Now the third apply comes in. Since ?b has been assigned, the target of ?m3 is now f a = a. Again, the application of h succeeds and the tactic assigns ?m3 := h a.

At this point, all metavariables are assigned as follows:

?m1 := @Eq.trans α (f (f a)) ?b a ?m2 ?m3
?m2 := h (f a)
?m3 := h a
?b  := f a

Exiting the by block, Lean constructs the final proof term by taking the assignment of ?m1 and replacing each metavariable with its assignment. This yields

@Eq.trans α (f (f a)) (f a) a (h (f a)) (h a)

The example also shows how the two views of metavariables -- as holes in an expression or as goals -- are related: the goals we get are holes in the final proof term.

Basic Operations

Let us make these concepts concrete. When we operate in the MetaM monad, we have read-write access to a MetavarContext structure containing information about the currently declared metavariables. Each metavariable is identified by an MVarId (a unique Name). To create a new metavariable, we use Lean.Meta.mkFreshExprMVar with type

mkFreshExprMVar (type? : Option Expr) (kind := MetavarKind.natural)
    (userName := Name.anonymous) : MetaM Expr

Its arguments are:

  • type?: the target type of the new metavariable. If none, the target type is Sort ?u, where ?u is a universe level metavariable. (This is a special class of metavariables for universe levels, distinct from the expression metavariables which we have been calling simply "metavariables".)
  • kind: the metavariable kind. See the Metavariable Kinds section (but the default is usually correct).
  • userName: the new metavariable's user-facing name. This is what gets printed when the metavariable appears in a goal. Unlike the MVarId, this name does not need to be unique.

The returned Expr is always a metavariable. We can use Lean.Expr.mvarId! to extract the MVarId, which is guaranteed to be unique. (Arguably mkFreshExprMVar should just return the MVarId.)

The local context of the new metavariable is inherited from the current local context, more about which in the next section. If you want to give a different local context, use Lean.Meta.mkFreshExprMVarAt.

Metavariables are initially unassigned. To assign them, use Lean.MVarId.assign with type

assign (mvarId : MVarId) (val : Expr) : MetaM Unit

This updates the MetavarContext with the assignment ?mvarId := val. You must make sure that mvarId is not assigned yet (or that the old assignment is definitionally equal to the new assignment). You must also make sure that the assigned value, val, has the right type. This means (a) that val must have the target type of mvarId and (b) that val must only contain fvars from the local context of mvarId.

If you #check Lean.MVarId.assign, you will see that its real type is more general than the one we showed above: it works in any monad that has access to a MetavarContext. But MetaM is by far the most important such monad, so in this chapter, we specialise the types of assign and similar functions.

To get information about a declared metavariable, use Lean.MVarId.getDecl. Given an MVarId, this returns a MetavarDecl structure. (If no metavariable with the given MVarId is declared, the function throws an exception.) The MetavarDecl contains information about the metavariable, e.g. its type, local context and user-facing name. This function has some convenient variants, such as Lean.MVarId.getType.

To get the current assignment of a metavariable (if any), use Lean.getExprMVarAssignment?. To check whether a metavariable is assigned, use Lean.MVarId.isAssigned. However, these functions are relatively rarely used in tactic code because we usually prefer a more powerful operation: Lean.Meta.instantiateMVars with type

instantiateMVars : Expr → MetaM Expr

Given an expression e, instantiateMVars replaces any assigned metavariable ?m in e with its assigned value. Unassigned metavariables remain as they are.

This operation should be used liberally. When we assign a metavariable, existing expressions containing this metavariable are not immediately updated. This is a problem when, for example, we match on an expression to check whether it is an equation. Without instantiateMVars, we might miss the fact that the expression ?m, where ?m happens to be assigned to 0 = n, represents an equation. In other words, instantiateMVars brings our expressions up to date with the current metavariable state.

Instantiating metavariables requires a full traversal of the input expression, so it can be somewhat expensive. But if the input expression does not contain any metavariables, instantiateMVars is essentially free. Since this is the common case, liberal use of instantiateMVars is fine in most situations.

Before we go on, here is a synthetic example demonstrating how the basic metavariable operations are used. More natural examples appear in the following sections.

#eval show MetaM Unit from do
  -- Create two fresh metavariables of type `Nat`.
  let mvar1 ← mkFreshExprMVar (Expr.const ``Nat []) (userName := `mvar1)
  let mvar2 ← mkFreshExprMVar (Expr.const ``Nat []) (userName := `mvar2)
  -- Create a fresh metavariable of type `Nat → Nat`. The `mkArrow` function
  -- creates a function type.
  let mvar3 ← mkFreshExprMVar (← mkArrow (.const ``Nat []) (.const ``Nat []))
    (userName := `mvar3)

  -- Define a helper function that prints each metavariable.
  let printMVars : MetaM Unit := do
    IO.println s!"  meta1: {← instantiateMVars mvar1}"
    IO.println s!"  meta2: {← instantiateMVars mvar2}"
    IO.println s!"  meta3: {← instantiateMVars mvar3}"

  IO.println "Initially, all metavariables are unassigned:"

  -- Assign `mvar1 : Nat := ?mvar3 ?mvar2`.
  mvar1.mvarId!.assign (.app mvar3 mvar2)
  IO.println "After assigning mvar1:"

  -- Assign `mvar2 : Nat := 0`.
  mvar2.mvarId!.assign (.const `` [])
  IO.println "After assigning mvar2:"

  -- Assign `mvar3 : Nat → Nat := Nat.succ`.
  mvar3.mvarId!.assign (.const ``Nat.succ [])
  IO.println "After assigning mvar3:"
-- Initially, all metavariables are unassigned:
--   meta1: ?_uniq.1
--   meta2: ?_uniq.2
--   meta3: ?_uniq.3
-- After assigning mvar1:
--   meta1: ?_uniq.3 ?_uniq.2
--   meta2: ?_uniq.2
--   meta3: ?_uniq.3
-- After assigning mvar2:
--   meta1: ?_uniq.3
--   meta2:
--   meta3: ?_uniq.3
-- After assigning mvar3:
--   meta1: Nat.succ
--   meta2:
--   meta3: Nat.succ

Local Contexts

Consider the expression e which refers to the free variable with unique name h:

e := .fvar ( `h)

What is the type of this expression? The answer depends on the local context in which e is interpreted. One local context may declare that h is a local hypothesis of type Nat; another local context may declare that h is a local definition with value

Thus, expressions are only meaningful if they are interpreted in the local context for which they were intended. And as we saw, each metavariable has its own local context. So in principle, functions which manipulate expressions should have an additional MVarId argument specifying the goal in which the expression should be interpreted.

That would be cumbersome, so Lean goes a slightly different route. In MetaM, we always have access to an ambient LocalContext, obtained with Lean.getLCtx of type

getLCtx : MetaM LocalContext

All operations involving fvars use this ambient local context.

The downside of this setup is that we always need to update the ambient local context to match the goal we are currently working on. To do this, we use Lean.MVarId.withContext of type

withContext (mvarId : MVarId) (c : MetaM α) : MetaM α

This function takes a metavariable mvarId and a MetaM computation c and executes c with the ambient context set to the local context of mvarId. A typical use case looks like this:

def someTactic (mvarId : MVarId) ... : ... :=
  mvarId.withContext do

The tactic receives the current goal as the metavariable mvarId and immediately sets the current local context. Any operations within the do block then use the local context of mvarId.

Once we have the local context properly set, we can manipulate fvars. Like metavariables, fvars are identified by an FVarId (a unique Name). Basic operations include:

  • Lean.FVarId.getDecl : FVarId → MetaM LocalDecl retrieves the declaration of a local hypothesis. As with metavariables, a LocalDecl contains all information pertaining to the local hypothesis, e.g. its type and its user-facing name.
  • Lean.Meta.getLocalDeclFromUserName : Name → MetaM LocalDecl retrieves the declaration of the local hypothesis with the given user-facing name. If there are multiple such hypotheses, the bottommost one is returned. If there is none, an exception is thrown.

We can also iterate over all hypotheses in the local context, using the ForIn instance of LocalContext. A typical pattern is this:

for ldecl in ← getLCtx do
  if ldecl.isImplementationDetail then
  -- do something with the ldecl

The loop iterates over every LocalDecl in the context. The isImplementationDetail check skips local hypotheses which are 'implementation details', meaning they are introduced by Lean or by tactics for bookkeeping purposes. They are not shown to users and tactics are expected to ignore them.

At this point, we can build the MetaM part of an assumption tactic:

def myAssumption (mvarId : MVarId) : MetaM Bool := do
  -- Check that `mvarId` is not already assigned.
  mvarId.checkNotAssigned `myAssumption
  -- Use the local context of `mvarId`.
  mvarId.withContext do
    -- The target is the type of `mvarId`.
    let target ← mvarId.getType
    -- For each hypothesis in the local context:
    for ldecl in ← getLCtx do
      -- If the hypothesis is an implementation detail, skip it.
      if ldecl.isImplementationDetail then
      -- If the type of the hypothesis is definitionally equal to the target
      -- type:
      if ← isDefEq ldecl.type target then
        -- Use the local hypothesis to prove the goal.
        mvarId.assign ldecl.toExpr
        -- Stop and return true.
        return true
    -- If we have not found any suitable local hypothesis, return false.
    return false

The myAssumption tactic contains three functions we have not seen before:

  • Lean.MVarId.checkNotAssigned checks that a metavariable is not already assigned. The 'myAssumption' argument is the name of the current tactic. It is used to generate a nicer error message.
  • Lean.Meta.isDefEq checks whether two definitions are definitionally equal. See the Definitional Equality section.
  • Lean.LocalDecl.toExpr is a helper function which constructs the fvar expression corresponding to a local hypothesis.

Delayed Assignments

The above discussion of metavariable assignment contains a lie by omission: there are actually two ways to assign a metavariable. We have seen the regular way; the other way is called a delayed assignment.

We do not discuss delayed assignments in any detail here since they are rarely useful for tactic writing. If you want to learn more about them, see the comments in MetavarContext.lean in the Lean standard library. But they create two complications which you should be aware of.

First, delayed assignments make Lean.MVarId.isAssigned and getExprMVarAssignment? medium-calibre footguns. These functions only check for regular assignments, so you may need to use Lean.MVarId.isDelayedAssigned and Lean.Meta.getDelayedMVarAssignment? as well.

Second, delayed assignments break an intuitive invariant. You may have assumed that any metavariable which remains in the output of instantiateMVars is unassigned, since the assigned metavariables have been substituted. But delayed metavariables can only be substituted once their assigned value contains no unassigned metavariables. So delayed-assigned metavariables can appear in an expression even after instantiateMVars.

Metavariable Depth

Metavariable depth is also a niche feature, but one that is occasionally useful. Any metavariable has a depth (a natural number), and a MetavarContext has a corresponding depth as well. Lean only assigns a metavariable if its depth is equal to the depth of the current MetavarContext. Newly created metavariables inherit the MetavarContext's depth, so by default every metavariable is assignable.

This setup can be used when a tactic needs some temporary metavariables and also needs to make sure that other, non-temporary metavariables will not be assigned. To ensure this, the tactic proceeds as follows:

  1. Save the current MetavarContext.
  2. Increase the depth of the MetavarContext.
  3. Perform whatever computation is necessary, possibly creating and assigning metavariables. Newly created metavariables are at the current depth of the MetavarContext and so can be assigned. Old metavariables are at a lower depth, so cannot be assigned.
  4. Restore the saved MetavarContext, thereby erasing all the temporary metavariables and resetting the MetavarContext depth.

This pattern is encapsulated in Lean.Meta.withNewMCtxDepth.


Computation is a core concept of dependent type theory. The terms 2, Nat.succ 1 and 1 + 1 are all "the same" in the sense that they compute the same value. We call them definitionally equal. The problem with this, from a metaprogramming perspective, is that definitionally equal terms may be represented by entirely different expressions, but our users would usually expect that a tactic which works for 2 also works for 1 + 1. So when we write our tactics, we must do additional work to ensure that definitionally equal terms are treated similarly.

Full Normalisation

The simplest thing we can do with computation is to bring a term into normal form. With some exceptions for numeric types, the normal form of a term t of type T is a sequence of applications of T's constructors. E.g. the normal form of a list is a sequence of applications of List.cons and List.nil.

The function that normalises a term (i.e. brings it into normal form) is Lean.Meta.reduce with type signature

reduce (e : Expr) (explicitOnly skipTypes skipProofs := true) : MetaM Expr

We can use it like this:

def someNumber : Nat := (· + 2) $ 3

#eval Expr.const ``someNumber []
-- Lean.Expr.const `someNumber []

#eval reduce (Expr.const ``someNumber [])
-- Lean.Expr.lit (Lean.Literal.natVal 5)

Incidentally, this shows that the normal form of a term of type Nat is not always an application of the constructors of Nat; it can also be a literal. Also note that #eval can be used not only to evaluate a term, but also to execute a MetaM program.

The optional arguments of reduce allow us to skip certain parts of an expression. E.g. reduce e (explicitOnly := true) does not normalise any implicit arguments in the expression e. This yields better performance: since normal forms can be very big, it may be a good idea to skip parts of an expression that the user is not going to see anyway.

The #reduce command is essentially an application of reduce:

#reduce someNumber
-- 5


An ugly but important detail of Lean 4 metaprogramming is that any given expression does not have a single normal form. Rather, it has a normal form up to a given transparency.

A transparency is a value of Lean.Meta.TransparencyMode, an enumeration with four values: reducible, instances, default and all. Any MetaM computation has access to an ambient TransparencyMode which can be obtained with Lean.Meta.getTransparency.

The current transparency determines which constants get unfolded during normalisation, e.g. by reduce. (To unfold a constant means to replace it with its definition.) The four settings unfold progressively more constants:

  • reducible: unfold only constants tagged with the @[reducible] attribute. Note that abbrev is a shorthand for @[reducible] def.
  • instances: unfold reducible constants and constants tagged with the @[instance] attribute. Again, the instance command is a shorthand for @[instance] def.
  • default: unfold all constants except those tagged as @[irreducible].
  • all: unfold all constants, even those tagged as @[irreducible].

The ambient transparency is usually default. To execute an operation with a specific transparency, use Lean.Meta.withTransparency. There are also shorthands for specific transparencies, e.g. Lean.Meta.withReducible.

Putting everything together for an example (where we use Lean.Meta.ppExpr to pretty-print an expression):

def traceConstWithTransparency (md : TransparencyMode) (c : Name) :
    MetaM Format := do
  ppExpr (← withTransparency md $ reduce (.const c []))

@[irreducible] def irreducibleDef : Nat      := 1
def                defaultDef     : Nat      := irreducibleDef + 1
abbrev             reducibleDef   : Nat      := defaultDef + 1

We start with reducible transparency, which only unfolds reducibleDef:

#eval traceConstWithTransparency .reducible ``reducibleDef
-- defaultDef + 1

If we repeat the above command but let Lean print implicit arguments as well, we can see that the + notation amounts to an application of the hAdd function, which is a member of the HAdd typeclass:

set_option pp.explicit true in
#eval traceConstWithTransparency .reducible ``reducibleDef
-- @HAdd.hAdd Nat Nat Nat (@instHAdd Nat instAddNat) defaultDef 1

When we reduce with instances transparency, this applications is unfolded and replaced by Nat.add:

#eval traceConstWithTransparency .instances ``reducibleDef
-- Nat.add defaultDef 1

With default transparency, Nat.add is unfolded as well:

#eval traceConstWithTransparency .default ``reducibleDef
-- Nat.succ (Nat.succ irreducibleDef)

And with TransparencyMode.all, we're finally able to unfold irreducibleDef:

#eval traceConstWithTransparency .all ``reducibleDef
-- 3

The #eval commands illustrate that the same term, reducibleDef, can have a different normal form for each transparency.

Why all this ceremony? Essentially for performance: if we allowed normalisation to always unfold every constant, operations such as type class search would become prohibitively expensive. The tradeoff is that we must choose the appropriate transparency for each operation that involves normalisation.

Weak Head Normalisation

Transparency addresses some of the performance issues with normalisation. But even more important is to recognise that for many purposes, we don't need to fully normalise terms at all. Suppose we are building a tactic that automatically splits hypotheses of the type P ∧ Q. We might want this tactic to recognise a hypothesis h : X if X reduces to P ∧ Q. But if P additionally reduces to Y ∨ Z, the specific Y and Z do not concern us. Reducing P would be unnecessary work.

This situation is so common that the fully normalising reduce is in fact rarely used. Instead, the normalisation workhorse of Lean is whnf, which reduces an expression to weak head normal form (WHNF).

Roughly speaking, an expression e is in weak-head normal form when it has the form

e = f x₁ ... xₙ   (n ≥ 0)

and f cannot be reduced (at the current transparency). To conveniently check the WHNF of an expression, we define a function whnf', using some functions that will be discussed in the Elaboration chapter.

open Lean.Elab.Term in
def whnf' (e : TermElabM Syntax) : TermElabM Format := do
  let e ← elabTermAndSynthesize (← e) none
  ppExpr (← whnf e)

Now, here are some examples of expressions in WHNF.

Constructor applications are in WHNF (with some exceptions for numeric types):

#eval whnf' `(List.cons 1 [])
-- [1]

The arguments of an application in WHNF may or may not be in WHNF themselves:

#eval whnf' `(List.cons (1 + 1) [])
-- [1 + 1]

Applications of constants are in WHNF if the current transparency does not allow us to unfold the constants:

#eval withTransparency .reducible $ whnf' `(List.append [1] [2])
-- List.append [1] [2]

Lambdas are in WHNF:

#eval whnf' `(λ x : Nat => x)
-- fun x => x

Foralls are in WHNF:

#eval whnf' `(∀ x, x > 0)
-- ∀ (x : Nat), x > 0

Sorts are in WHNF:

#eval whnf' `(Type 3)
-- Type 3

Literals are in WHNF:

#eval whnf' `((15 : Nat))
-- 15

Here are some more expressions in WHNF which are a bit tricky to test:

?x 0 1  -- Assuming the metavariable `?x` is unassigned, it is in WHNF.
h 0 1   -- Assuming `h` is a local hypothesis, it is in WHNF.

On the flipside, here are some expressions that are not in WHNF.

Applications of constants are not in WHNF if the current transparency allows us to unfold the constants:

#eval whnf' `(List.append [1])
-- fun x => 1 :: List.append [] x

Applications of lambdas are not in WHNF:

#eval whnf' `((λ x y : Nat => x + y) 1)
-- `fun y => 1 + y`

let bindings are not in WHNF:

#eval whnf' `(let x : Nat := 1; x)
-- 1

And again some tricky examples:

?x 0 1 -- Assuming `?x` is assigned (e.g. to `Nat.add`), its application is not
          in WHNF.
h 0 1  -- Assuming `h` is a local definition (e.g. with value `Nat.add`), its
          application is not in WHNF.

Returning to the tactic that motivated this section, let us write a function that matches a type of the form P ∧ Q, avoiding extra computation. WHNF makes it easy:

def matchAndReducing (e : Expr) : MetaM (Option (Expr × Expr)) := do
  match ← whnf e with
  | (.app (.app (.const ``And _) P) Q) => return some (P, Q)
  | _ => return none

By using whnf, we ensure that if e evaluates to something of the form P ∧ Q, we'll notice. But at the same time, we don't perform any unnecessary computation in P or Q.

However, our 'no unnecessary computation' mantra also means that if we want to perform deeper matching on an expression, we need to use whnf multiple times. Suppose we want to match a type of the form P ∧ Q ∧ R. The correct way to do this uses whnf twice:

def matchAndReducing₂ (e : Expr) : MetaM (Option (Expr × Expr × Expr)) := do
  match ← whnf e with
  | (.app (.app (.const ``And _) P) e') =>
    match ← whnf e' with
    | (.app (.app (.const ``And _) Q) R) => return some (P, Q, R)
    | _ => return none
  | _ => return none

This sort of deep matching up to computation could be automated. But until someone builds this automation, we have to figure out the necessary whnfs ourselves.

Definitional Equality

As mentioned, definitional equality is equality up to computation. Two expressions t and s are definitionally equal or defeq (at the current transparency) if their normal forms (at the current transparency) are equal.

To check whether two expressions are defeq, use Lean.Meta.isDefEq with type signature

isDefEq : Expr → Expr → MetaM Bool

Even though definitional equality is defined in terms of normal forms, isDefEq does not actually compute the normal forms of its arguments, which would be very expensive. Instead, it tries to "match up" t and s using as few reductions as possible. This is a necessarily heuristic endeavour and when the heuristics misfire, isDefEq can become very expensive. In the worst case, it may have to reduce s and t so often that they end up in normal form anyway. But usually the heuristics are good and isDefEq is reasonably fast.

If expressions t and u contain assignable metavariables, isDefEq may assign these metavariables to make t defeq to u. We also say that isDefEq unifies t and u; such unification queries are sometimes written t =?= u. For instance, the unification List ?m =?= List Nat succeeds and assigns ?m := Nat. The unification Nat.succ ?m =?= n + 1 succeeds and assigns ?m := n. The unification ?m₁ + ?m₂ + ?m₃ =?= m + n - k fails and no metavariables are assigned (even though there is a 'partial match' between the expressions).

Whether isDefEq considers a metavariable assignable is determined by two factors:

  1. The metavariable's depth must be equal to the current MetavarContext depth. See the Metavariable Depth section.
  2. Each metavariable has a kind (a value of type MetavarKind) whose sole purpose is to modify the behaviour of isDefEq. Possible kinds are:
    • Natural: isDefEq may freely assign the metavariable. This is the default.
    • Synthetic: isDefEq may assign the metavariable, but avoids doing so if possible. For example, suppose ?n is a natural metavariable and ?s is a synthetic metavariable. When faced with the unification problem ?s =?= ?n, isDefEq assigns ?n rather than ?s.
    • Synthetic opaque: isDefEq never assigns the metavariable.

Constructing Expressions

In the previous chapter, we saw some primitive functions for building expressions:, Expr.const, mkAppN and so on. There is nothing wrong with these functions, but the additional facilities of MetaM often provide more convenient ways.


When we write regular Lean code, Lean helpfully infers many implicit arguments and universe levels. If it did not, our code would look rather ugly:

def appendAppend (xs ys : List α) := (xs.append ys).append xs

set_option pp.all true in
set_option pp.explicit true in
#print appendAppend
-- def appendAppend.{u_1} : {α : Type u_1} → List.{u_1} α → List.{u_1} α → List.{u_1} α :=
-- fun {α : Type u_1} (xs ys : List.{u_1} α) => @List.append.{u_1} α (@List.append.{u_1} α xs ys) xs

The .{u_1} suffixes are universe levels, which must be given for every polymorphic constant. And of course the type α is passed around everywhere.

Exactly the same problem occurs during metaprogramming when we construct expressions. A hand-made expression representing the right-hand side of the above definition looks like this:

def appendAppendRHSExpr₁ (u : Level) (α xs ys : Expr) : Expr :=
  mkAppN (.const ``List.append [u])
    #[α, mkAppN (.const ``List.append [u]) #[α, xs, ys], xs]

Having to specify the implicit arguments and universe levels is annoying and error-prone. So MetaM provides a helper function which allows us to omit implicit information: Lean.Meta.mkAppM of type

mkAppM : Name → Array Expr → MetaM Expr

Like mkAppN, mkAppM constructs an application. But while mkAppN requires us to give all universe levels and implicit arguments ourselves, mkAppM infers them. This means we only need to provide the explicit arguments, which makes for a much shorter example:

def appendAppendRHSExpr₂ (xs ys : Expr) : MetaM Expr := do
  mkAppM ``List.append #[← mkAppM ``List.append #[xs, ys], xs]

Note the absence of any αs and us. There is also a variant of mkAppM, mkAppM', which takes an Expr instead of a Name as the first argument, allowing us to construct applications of expressions which are not constants.

However, mkAppM is not magic: if you write mkAppM ``List.append #[], you will get an error at runtime. This is because mkAppM tries to determine what the type α is, but with no arguments given to append, α could be anything, so mkAppM fails.

Another occasionally useful variant of mkAppM is Lean.Meta.mkAppOptM of type

mkAppOptM : Name → Array (Option Expr) → MetaM Expr

Whereas mkAppM always infers implicit and instance arguments and always requires us to give explicit arguments, mkAppOptM lets us choose freely which arguments to provide and which to infer. With this, we can, for example, give instances explicitly, which we use in the following example to give a non-standard Ord instance.

def revOrd : Ord Nat where
  compare x y := compare y x

def ordExpr : MetaM Expr := do
  mkAppOptM ``compare #[none, Expr.const ``revOrd [], mkNatLit 0, mkNatLit 1]

#eval format <$> ordExpr
--{0} Nat revOrd
--   (OfNat.ofNat.{0} Nat 0 (instOfNatNat 0))
--   (OfNat.ofNat.{0} Nat 1 (instOfNatNat 1))

Like mkAppM, mkAppOptM has a primed variant Lean.Meta.mkAppOptM' which takes an Expr instead of a Name as the first argument. The file which contains mkAppM also contains various other helper functions, e.g. for making list literals or sorrys.

Lambdas and Foralls

Another common task is to construct expressions involving λ or binders. Suppose we want to create the expression λ (x : Nat), Nat.add x x. One way is to write out the lambda directly:

def doubleExpr₁ : Expr :=
  .lam `x (.const ``Nat []) (mkAppN (.const ``Nat.add []) #[.bvar 0, .bvar 0])

#eval ppExpr doubleExpr₁
-- fun x => Nat.add x x

This works, but the use of bvar is highly unidiomatic. Lean uses a so-called locally closed variable representation. This means that all but the lowest-level functions in the Lean API expect expressions not to contain 'loose bvars', where a bvar is loose if it is not bound by a binder in the same expression. (Outside of Lean, such variables are usually called 'free'. The name bvar -- 'bound variable' -- already indicates that bvars are never supposed to be free.)

As a result, if in the above example we replace mkAppN with the slightly higher-level mkAppM, we get a runtime error. Adhering to the locally closed convention, mkAppM expects any expressions given to it to have no loose bound variables, and .bvar 0 is precisely that.

So instead of using bvars directly, the Lean way is to construct expressions with bound variables in two steps:

  1. Construct the body of the expression (in our example: the body of the lambda), using temporary local hypotheses (fvars) to stand in for the bound variables.
  2. Replace these fvars with bvars and, at the same time, add the corresponding lambda binders.

This process ensures that we do not need to handle expressions with loose bvars at any point (except during step 2, which is performed 'atomically' by a bespoke function). Applying the process to our example:

def doubleExpr₂ : MetaM Expr :=
  withLocalDecl `x BinderInfo.default (.const ``Nat []) λ x => do
    let body ← mkAppM ``Nat.add #[x, x]
    mkLambdaFVars #[x] body

#eval show MetaM _ from do
  ppExpr (← doubleExpr₂)
-- fun x => Nat.add x x

There are two new functions. First, Lean.Meta.withLocalDecl has type

withLocalDecl (name : Name) (bi : BinderInfo) (type : Expr) (k : Expr → MetaM α) : MetaM α

Given a variable name, binder info and type, withLocalDecl constructs a new fvar and passes it to the computation k. The fvar is available in the local context during the execution of k but is deleted again afterwards.

The second new function is Lean.Meta.mkLambdaFVars with type (ignoring some optional arguments)

mkLambdaFVars : Array Expr → Expr → MetaM Expr

This function takes an array of fvars and an expression e. It then adds one lambda binder for each fvar x and replaces every occurrence of x in e with a bound variable corresponding to the new lambda binder. The returned expression does not contain the fvars any more, which is good since they disappear after we leave the withLocalDecl context. (Instead of fvars, we can also give mvars to mkLambdaFVars, despite its name.)

Some variants of the above functions may be useful:

  • withLocalDecls declares multiple temporary fvars.
  • mkForallFVars creates binders instead of λ binders. mkLetFVars creates let binders.
  • mkArrow is the non-dependent version of mkForallFVars which construcs a function type X → Y. Since the type is non-dependent, there is no need for temporary fvars.

Using all these functions, we can construct larger expressions such as this one:

λ (f : Nat → Nat), ∀ (n : Nat), f n = f (n + 1)
def somePropExpr : MetaM Expr := do
  let funcType ← mkArrow (.const ``Nat []) (.const ``Nat [])
  withLocalDecl `f BinderInfo.default funcType fun f => do
    let feqn ← withLocalDecl `n BinderInfo.default (.const ``Nat []) fun n => do
      let lhs := .app f n
      let rhs := .app f (← mkAppM ``Nat.succ #[n])
      let eqn ← mkEq lhs rhs
      mkForallFVars #[n] eqn
    mkLambdaFVars #[f] feqn

The next line registers someProp as a name for the expression we've just constructed, allowing us to play with it more easily. The mechanisms behind this are discussed in the Elaboration chapter.

elab "someProp" : term => somePropExpr

#check someProp
-- fun f => ∀ (n : Nat), f n = f (Nat.succ n) : (Nat → Nat) → Prop
#reduce someProp Nat.succ
-- ∀ (n : Nat), Nat.succ n = Nat.succ (Nat.succ n)

Deconstructing Expressions

Just like we can construct expressions more easily in MetaM, we can also deconstruct them more easily. Particularly useful is a family of functions for deconstructing expressions which start with λ and binders.

When we are given a type of the form ∀ (x₁ : T₁) ... (xₙ : Tₙ), U, we are often interested in doing something with the conclusion U. For instance, the apply tactic, when given an expression e : ∀ ..., U, compares U with the current target to determine whether e can be applied.

To do this, we could repeatedly match on the type expression, removing binders until we get to U. But this would leave us with an U containing unbound bvars, which, as we saw, is bad. Instead, we use Lean.Meta.forallTelescope of type

forallTelescope (type : Expr) (k : Array Expr → Expr → MetaM α) : MetaM α

Given type = ∀ (x₁ : T₁) ... (xₙ : Tₙ), U x₁ ... xₙ, this function creates one fvar fᵢ for each -bound variable xᵢ and replaces each xᵢ with fᵢ in the conclusion U. It then calls the computation k, passing it the fᵢ and the conclusion U f₁ ... fₙ. Within this computation, the fᵢ are registered in the local context; afterwards, they are deleted again (similar to withLocalDecl).

There are many useful variants of forallTelescope:

  • forallTelescopeReducing: like forallTelescope but matching is performed up to computation. This means that if you have an expression X which is different from but defeq to ∀ x, P x, forallTelescopeReducing X will deconstruct X into x and P x. The non-reducing forallTelescope would not recognise X as a quantified expression. The matching is performed by essentially calling whnf repeatedly, using the ambient transparency.
  • forallBoundedTelescope: like forallTelescopeReducing (even though there is no "reducing" in the name) but stops after a specified number of binders.
  • forallMetaTelescope, forallMetaTelescopeReducing, forallMetaBoundedTelescope: like the corresponding non-meta functions, but the bound variables are replaced by new mvars instead of fvars. Unlike the non-meta functions, the meta functions do not delete the new metavariables after performing some computation, so the metavariables remain in the environment indefinitely.
  • lambdaTelescope, lambdaTelescopeReducing, lambdaBoundedTelescope, lambdaMetaTelescope: like the corresponding forall functions, but for λ binders instead of .

Using one of the telescope functions, we can implement our own apply tactic:

def myApply (goal : MVarId) (e : Expr) : MetaM (List MVarId) := do
  -- Check that the goal is not yet assigned.
  goal.checkNotAssigned `myApply
  -- Operate in the local context of the goal.
  goal.withContext do
    -- Get the goal's target type.
    let target ← goal.getType
    -- Get the type of the given expression.
    let type ← inferType e
    -- If `type` has the form `∀ (x₁ : T₁) ... (xₙ : Tₙ), U`, introduce new
    -- metavariables for the `xᵢ` and obtain the conclusion `U`. (If `type` does
    -- not have this form, `args` is empty and `conclusion = type`.)
    let (args, _, conclusion) ← forallMetaTelescopeReducing type
    -- If the conclusion unifies with the target:
    if ← isDefEq target conclusion then
      -- Assign the goal to `e x₁ ... xₙ`, where the `xᵢ` are the fresh
      -- metavariables in `args`.
      goal.assign (mkAppN e args)
      -- `isDefEq` may have assigned some of the `args`. Report the rest as new
      -- goals.
      let newGoals ← args.filterMapM λ mvar => do
        let mvarId := mvar.mvarId!
        if ! (← mvarId.isAssigned) && ! (← mvarId.isDelayedAssigned) then
          return some mvarId
          return none
      return newGoals.toList
    -- If the conclusion does not unify with the target, throw an error.
      throwTacticEx `myApply goal m!"{e} is not applicable to goal with target {target}"

The real apply does some additional pre- and postprocessing, but the core logic is what we show here. To test our tactic, we need an elaboration incantation, more about which in the Elaboration chapter.

elab "myApply" e:term : tactic => do
  let e ← Elab.Term.elabTerm e none
  Elab.Tactic.liftMetaTactic (myApply · e)

example (h : α → β) (a : α) : β := by
  myApply h
  myApply a


Many tactics naturally require backtracking: the ability to go back to a previous state, as if the tactic had never been executed. A few examples:

  • first | t | u first executes t. If t fails, it backtracks and executes u.
  • try t executes t. If t fails, it backtracks to the initial state, erasing any changes made by t.
  • trivial attempts to solve the goal using a number of simple tactics (e.g. rfl or contradiction). After each unsuccessful application of such a tactic, trivial backtracks.

Good thing, then, that Lean's core data structures are designed to enable easy and efficient backtracking. The corresponding API is provided by the Lean.MonadBacktrack class. MetaM, TermElabM and TacticM are all instances of this class. (CoreM is not but could be.)

MonadBacktrack provides two fundamental operations:

  • Lean.saveState : m s returns a representation of the current state, where m is the monad we are in and s is the state type. E.g. for MetaM, saveState returns a Lean.Meta.SavedState containing the current environment, the current MetavarContext and various other pieces of information.
  • Lean.restoreState : s → m Unit takes a previously saved state and restores it. This effectively resets the compiler state to the previous point.

With this, we can roll our own MetaM version of the try tactic:

def tryM (x : MetaM Unit) : MetaM Unit := do
  let s ← saveState
  catch _ =>
    restoreState s

We first save the state, then execute x. If x fails, we backtrack the state.

The standard library defines many combinators like tryM. Here are the most useful ones:

  • Lean.withoutModifyingState (x : m α) : m α executes the action x, then resets the state and returns x's result. You can use this, for example, to check for definitional equality without assigning metavariables:
    withoutModifyingState $ isDefEq x y
    If isDefEq succeeds, it may assign metavariables in x and y. Using withoutModifyingState, we can make sure this does not happen.
  • Lean.observing? (x : m α) : m (Option α) executes the action x. If x succeeds, observing? returns its result. If x fails (throws an exception), observing? backtracks the state and returns none. This is a more informative version of our tryM combinator.
  • Lean.commitIfNoEx (x : m α) : m α executes x. If x succeeds, commitIfNoEx returns its result. If x throws an exception, commitIfNoEx backtracks the state and rethrows the exception.

Note that the builtin try ... catch ... finally does not perform any backtracking. So code which looks like this is probably wrong:

catch e =>

The catch branch, doSomethingElse, is executed in a state containing whatever modifications doSomething made before it failed. Since we probably want to erase these modifications, we should write instead:

  commitIfNoEx doSomething
catch e =>

Another MonadBacktrack gotcha is that restoreState does not backtrack the entire state. Caches, trace messages and the global name generator, among other things, are not backtracked, so changes made to these parts of the state are not reset by restoreState. This is usually what we want: if a tactic executed by observing? produces some trace messages, we want to see them even if the tactic fails. See Lean.Meta.SavedState.restore and Lean.Core.restore for details on what is and is not backtracked.

In the next chapter, we move towards the topic of elaboration, of which you've already seen several glimpses in this chapter. We start by discussing Lean's syntax system, which allows you to add custom syntactic constructs to the Lean parser.


  1. [Metavariables] Create a metavariable with type Nat, and assign to it value 3. Notice that changing the type of the metavariable from Nat to, for example, String, doesn't raise any errors - that's why, as was mentioned, we must make sure "(a) that val must have the target type of mvarId and (b) that val must only contain fvars from the local context of mvarId".

  2. [Metavariables] What would instantiateMVars (Lean.mkAppN (Expr.const 'Nat.add []) #[mkNatLit 1, mkNatLit 2]) output?

  3. [Metavariables] Fill in the missing lines in the following code.

    #eval show MetaM Unit from do
      let oneExpr := (Expr.const `Nat.succ []) (Expr.const `` [])
      let twoExpr := (Expr.const `Nat.succ []) oneExpr
      -- Create `mvar1` with type `Nat`
      -- let mvar1 ← ...
      -- Create `mvar2` with type `Nat`
      -- let mvar2 ← ...
      -- Create `mvar3` with type `Nat`
      -- let mvar3 ← ...
      -- Assign `mvar1` to `2 + ?mvar2 + ?mvar3`
      -- ...
      -- Assign `mvar3` to `1`
      -- ...
      -- Instantiate `mvar1`, which should result in expression `2 + ?mvar2 + 1`
  4. [Metavariables] Consider the theorem red, and tactic explore below. a) What would be the type and userName of metavariable mvarId? b) What would be the types and userNames of all local declarations in this metavariable's local context? Print them all out.

    elab "explore" : tactic => do
      let mvarId : MVarId ← Lean.Elab.Tactic.getMainGoal
      let metavarDecl : MetavarDecl ← mvarId.getDecl
      IO.println "Our metavariable"
      -- ...
      IO.println "All of its local declarations"
      -- ...
    theorem red (hA : 1 = 1) (hB : 2 = 2) : 2 = 2 := by
  5. [Metavariables] Write a tactic solve that proves the theorem red.

  6. [Computation] What is the normal form of the following expressions: a) fun x => x of type Bool → Bool b) (fun x => x) ((true && false) || true) of type Bool c) 800 + 2 of type Nat

  7. [Computation] Show that 1 created with Expr.lit (Lean.Literal.natVal 1) is definitionally equal to an expression created with (Expr.const ``Nat.succ []) (Expr.const `` []).

  8. [Computation] Determine whether the following expressions are definitionally equal. If Lean.Meta.isDefEq succeeds, and it leads to metavariable assignment, write down the assignments. a) 5 =?= (fun x => 5) ((fun y : Nat → Nat => y) (fun z : Nat => z)) b) 2 + 1 =?= 1 + 2 c) ?a =?= 2, where ?a has a type String d) ?a + Int =?= "hi" + ?b, where ?a and ?b don't have a type e) 2 + ?a =?= 3 f) 2 + ?a =?= 2 + 1

  9. [Computation] Write down what you expect the following code to output.

    @[reducible] def reducibleDef     : Nat := 1 -- same as `abbrev`
    @[instance] def instanceDef       : Nat := 2 -- same as `instance`
    def defaultDef                    : Nat := 3
    @[irreducible] def irreducibleDef : Nat := 4
    @[reducible] def sum := [reducibleDef, instanceDef, defaultDef, irreducibleDef]
    #eval show MetaM Unit from do
      let constantExpr := Expr.const `sum []
      Meta.withTransparency Meta.TransparencyMode.reducible do
        let reducedExpr ← Meta.reduce constantExpr
        dbg_trace (← ppExpr reducedExpr) -- ...
      Meta.withTransparency Meta.TransparencyMode.instances do
        let reducedExpr ← Meta.reduce constantExpr
        dbg_trace (← ppExpr reducedExpr) -- ...
      Meta.withTransparency Meta.TransparencyMode.default do
        let reducedExpr ← Meta.reduce constantExpr
        dbg_trace (← ppExpr reducedExpr) -- ...
      Meta.withTransparency Meta.TransparencyMode.all do
        let reducedExpr ← Meta.reduce constantExpr
        dbg_trace (← ppExpr reducedExpr) -- ...
      let reducedExpr ← Meta.reduce constantExpr
      dbg_trace (← ppExpr reducedExpr) -- ...
  10. [Constructing Expressions] Create expression fun x => 1 + x in two ways: a) not idiomatically, with loose bound variables b) idiomatically. In what version can you use Lean.mkAppN? In what version can you use Lean.Meta.mkAppM?

  11. [Constructing Expressions] Create expression ∀ (yellow: Nat), yellow.

  12. [Constructing Expressions] Create expression ∀ (n : Nat), n = n + 1 in two ways: a) not idiomatically, with loose bound variables b) idiomatically. In what version can you use Lean.mkApp3? In what version can you use Lean.Meta.mkEq?

  13. [Constructing Expressions] Create expression fun (f : Nat → Nat), ∀ (n : Nat), f n = f (n + 1) idiomatically.

  14. [Constructing Expressions] What would you expect the output of the following code to be?

    #eval show Lean.Elab.Term.TermElabM _ from do
      let stx : Syntax ← `(∀ (a : Prop) (b : Prop), a ∨ b → b → a ∧ a)
      let expr ← Elab.Term.elabTermAndSynthesize stx none
      let (_, _, conclusion) ← forallMetaTelescope expr
      dbg_trace conclusion -- ...
      let (_, _, conclusion) ← forallMetaBoundedTelescope expr 2
      dbg_trace conclusion -- ...
      let (_, _, conclusion) ← lambdaMetaTelescope expr
      dbg_trace conclusion -- ...
  15. [Backtracking] Check that the expressions ?a + Int and "hi" + ?b are definitionally equal with isDefEq (make sure to use the proper types or Option.none for the types of your metavariables!). Use saveState and restoreState to revert metavariable assignments.