Lean Book
Lean Book is the mdbook template configured for the Lean Project. Intended for use in writing textbooks and documentation in Lean.
Lean Book has a variety of features.
Syntax Highlighting for Lean Code
Lean syntax highlighting works in this book. Here is an example of Lean code block.
variable {P Q : Prop}
example : P → (P ∨ Q) := by
intro hP
apply Or.inl
exact hP
Run Lean4 Code Block
All Lean code blocks in this book have a button that jumps to the Lean Playground.
Jump to Lean Playground from any page
Jump to the Lean4 Playground by clicking on the play button in the top right corner of a page.
Table of Contents
Automatically add a table of contents to each page.
Easy Code Management
The markdown files in this book are generated from Lean code using mdgen. There is no need to maintain separately the code examples and the text.
Automatically update Lean version
The lean-update action is configured in this repository, which periodically attempts to update the version of Lean and its libraries.
Improved Search
The mdbook does not support searches in languages other than English, but this book does support searches in other languages (e.g. Japanese)!
You can use MathJax in this book. For example, $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$.
$$ ζ (s) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n^s} $$